農民 peasant
準備工作! ready to work!
陛下? yes milord?
幹什麽? what is it?
什麽? what?
還要幹活? more work?
好。 right-o.
行。 all right.
馬上就去。 off i go then.
妳是國王?可我沒投妳的票。 you're the king? well, i didn't vote for you.
我們找到了壹個女巫!我們應該燒死她嗎? we found a witch! may we burn her?
救救我!我被鎮壓了! help, help! i'm being repressed!
壹匹馬踢了我,真疼。 a horse kicked me once. it hurt.
咚! doh!
沒其他人閑著嗎? noe one else available?
好,我死定了。 that's it! i'm dead.
如果妳想要的話。 if you want.
步兵 footman
準備行動! ready for action!
遵命! yes my liege!
命令? orders?
下令吧! say the word!
是,陛下! aye milord!
正在行動! on my way!
當然。 of course.
妳需要什麽? what do you need?
不要問,不要說。 don't ask, don't tell.
拿起妳的劍作戰吧! grab your sword and fight the horde!
洛薩大叔需要妳!(洛薩是《魔獸爭霸ii》中人類的國王) uncle lothar wants you!
這是道新疤! it's only a flesh wound!
進攻! attack!
拿起武器! to arms!
我來對付他們! let me at 'em!
矮人火槍手 rifleman
鎖定目標,裝彈! locked and loaded!
妳有目標嗎? ye have a target?
是,長官! aye sir!
妳需要什麽? whaddya need?
是。 aye.
該走了! time to go!
好。 okay.
我是妳的射手。 i'm your shooter.
這……是……我的……火槍! this... is... my... boomstick!
我的酒呢? where's me drink!?
不喝它壹盅我就瞄不準! i can't shoot straight unless i've had a pint!
歐,這是我的酒,下肚子吧! oh, there's me drink. get in mah belly!
槍不殺人……我殺!哈哈哈! gun's don't kill people . . . i do! hahah!
別用那東西射我! don't shoot yer shit that thing at me!
我殺了郡長,又殺了副官,現在我要殺妳這條狗! i shot the sheriff, and the deputy, and yer little doggie too!
只有等我死了妳才能從我手中拿走我的槍! you'll take me blunderbuss when you pry it from my cold dead hands!
看這個,白癡! take that ya sod!
槍斃他們! shoot to kill!
我看見野獸了! i've got the beast in mah sights!
開火! fire!
大法師 archmage
最好值得這樣做。 this had better be worth it.
妳需要我的幫助嗎? you require my assistance?
什麽? well?
繼續。 get on with it.
現在怎麽辦? what is it now?
很好。 fine.
我不能再等了。 i can hardly wait..
太棒了! perfect!
妳難道沒有壹個戰略構想嗎? don't you have a strategy?
我已經開始厭煩妳的閑談了。 your prattle begins to annoy me.
妳最好滾遠些,不然我把妳變成壹只沒腦子的綿羊。 you'd best stay clear of me, or i'll turn you into a mindless sheep.
我不會輕易浪費我的魔法。 i don't waste my magic on just anything.
nimthory forstatis sedah (吟唱咒語) nimthory forstatis sedah (something like that - mystic chanting, spelling approximates the words)
為光榮而戰! for glory!
準備戰鬥! to battle!
騎士 knight
我等候您的命令。 i await your command.
遵命,陛下。 yes my lord.
您的榮譽? your honor?
命令我! command me!
馬上! at once!
為了國王! for the king!
絕對服從! absolutely!
我最喜歡藍色,不,黃色——! my favorite color is blue. no, yellowwww!
洛丹倫的勝利!(洛丹倫是魔獸世界裏的壹塊大陸) victory for lordaeron!
您在跟我說話嗎? dost thous speak unto me?
以神的名義,妳太煩人了! by the gods you're annoying!
我從沒說過“ni”。 i never say ni.
該死的頭盔……根本摘不下來…… damn helmet... can't seem to get this thing...
去死吧! to the death!
為了國王! for the king!
進攻! have at thee!
山丘之王 mountain king
很好,誰要? all right, who wants some?
什麽? aye?
等待命令! wait 'til ya see me in action!
給我些事做! give me something to do!
嗯? hmm?
我來啦! i'm comin' through!
別擋我的道! outta my way!
遵命! move it!
光彩照人! brilliant!
妳能給我的飲酒技能升上幾級嗎? could ya put some bonus points in my drinking skill?
前面有快餐店嗎? any fish 'n chips shops about heah?
我認為該吃點心了。 i think it's time for a nippy shweetie.
妳們這些混蛋在幹什麽? what the bloody hell are you playing at?
沒什麽比跟酒醉想要嘔吐的感覺鬥爭更加刺激的事情了。 there's nothing more motivatin' than fightin' with a bad hangover.
酒吧在哪裏? where's the pub?
痛痛快快的玩吧! let's get pissed!
我去打發他們。 i'll run 'em through.
什麽? what's this?
拿起武器! to arms!
死吧! death comes for ye!
聖騎士 paladin
我為服務信徒而生。 i live to serve all believers.
為您效勞! at your call!
為了我的人民。 for my people.
如您所願。 as you wish.
沒問題。 it shall be done!
我毫不恐懼。 i am not afraid.
讓我來面對危險。 let me face the peril.
您要我做什麽? what would you ask of me?
該掄起錘子了! it's hammer time!
我要成為您的長柄戰錘。 i want to be your sledgehammer.
不要碰我,我是純潔的! touch me not, i am chaste!
不?那時您最後的回答嗎? no? is that your final answer?
我呼吸不暢。 i have bad brethren.
那是壹柄劍嗎?奢侈!那是壹匹馬嗎?懶惰!那是壹頂頭盔嗎?虛榮! is that a sword? luxury! is that a horse? sloth! is that a helmet? vanity!
公正終將得以伸張。 justice will be served.
為您的名譽而戰。 defending your name.
讓異教徒去死吧! death to the infidels!
獅鷲騎士 gryphon rider
歐,又叫我了。 och, count me in.
妳是頭兒。 yer the boss.
沒問題。 no problem.
直飛藍天! ter the skies!
棒極了! that's great!
噢! och!
遵命,長官。 aye sir.
照辦。 i'll do what it takes.
妳是根據我的塊頭來看待我的,不是嗎? judge me by my size, do ya?
戰錘的尺寸不說明問題,怎麽用它才是問題。 it's not the size of the hammer that counts, it's how ya wield it.
有人送我了這只鳥! someone gave me the bird!
這把戰錘花了4萬塊!呵呵呵。 this warhammer costs 40k! heheh.
這怪物壹半岌岌可危……但另壹半本身就是危險! half this beast is in danger . . . but the other half is danger!
為了勝利! for victory!
妳死定了! death comes for ye!
以米萊丁胡須的名義! by merradin's beard!
牧師 priest
我為凈化這片土地而來。 i come to cleanse this land.
有人需要我的幫助嗎? is my aid required?
妳需要幫忙嗎? what ails you?
好,我的朋友。 yes, my friend.
有人受傷嗎? is someone injured?
如妳所願。 as you wish.
當然。 of course.
我是您的仆人。 i am your servant.
手術刀!海綿!法杖! scalpel! sponge! magic wand!
在光明中有和平和靜謐。 there is peace, and serenity, within the light.
清潔!(伴隨著釋放電能的聲音) clear! (followed by an electrical discharge sound)
穿越孩子們,穿越,直到光明! cross over children, cross over, into the light!
我被天上巨大的鐵手選中了!(指的是玩家的鼠標指針) i have been chosen, by the big metal hand in the sky!
副作用可能包括口舌幹燥、惡心、想嘔吐、積水、陣痛、幻覺、頭疼、精神病、昏迷、死亡等等。魔法並不適用於所有人,在使用之前請咨詢妳的醫生。 side effects may include dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, water retention, painful rectal itch, haullucination, dementia, psychosis, coma, death, and halitosis. magic is not for everyone. consult your doctor before use.
以光明之力的名義,燃燒吧! by the power of the light, burn!
消失吧,黑暗的力量! begone, spawn of darkness!
現在,感受我的憤怒吧! now, feel my wrath!
女巫 sorceress
今天魔法的波動很奇怪。 the flows of magic are whimsical today.
這樣就好。 this better be good.
妳需要幫助嗎,人類? do you require aid, human?
協助我幫助妳。 help me help you.
如果妳堅持的話。 if you insist.
好主意。 what a good idea.
是時候了。 it's about time.
又壹次由精靈決定壹切了。 once again, it's up to the elves.
下來,小東西! get down, sparky!
再點擊我壹次,寶貝。 click me baby, one more time.
妳也許需要壹本戰略指導。 maybe you should get a strategy guide.
我不記得曾對妳施放過減速術。 i don't remember casting slow on you.
妳不是很明白,對吧? you don't get out much, do you?
改日到戰網上聊天吧。 let's chat on battle.net sometime.
要施展世界末日魔法,請同時按下ctrl+alt+del!(試試看會發生什麽……) for the end of the world spell, press control-alt-delete.
馬上就來 without delay!
勝利是我們的! now victory shall be ours!
妳的願望就是給我的命令。 your wish is my command.
矮人直升機 gyrocopter
我們起飛了! we have liftoff!
哦,是妳。 oh, it's you.
可以走了。 ok to go.
妳在幹什麽? how you doing?
去哪裏? where to?
什麽?在哪裏? what, over there?
他們絕對不會發現我來了。(引擎轟鳴聲) they'll never hear me coming (engine knocks)
遵命。 will do, command.
天哪,我掉下去了什麽東西。(呼哨聲,然後是爆炸聲) oops, i dropped something (whistle, boom)
盯緊目標…… stay on target . . .
我寧願飛行,哦,噢。 i'd rather be flying. uhh, oh.
妳隨時可以當我的舵手。 you can be my wingman anytime.
飛行員和投彈手,投彈手就位,繼續飛行。 pilot to bombardier. bombardier here, go ahead pilot.
我將在此證明重力效應。(逐漸減弱的喊聲) i will now demonstrate the doppler effect (dopppleeerrrrrrr)
機翼上……有……壹些……東西! there's . . . something . . . on . . .the wing!
我在壹種不同的飛機上,明白嗎?飛機。 i'm on a different plane of existence. get it? plane.
我要唱歌! i've got tone!
這顆炸彈是給妳們的! this bomb's for you!
接著! take it!
死吧! death!
- (註解: 這個兵種有兩個人, 所以並不是壹個人在那裏自言自語) (矮人#2 在[ ] 裏)
- mortar combat! 迫擊炮戰鬥組(用唱的)
=selection sounds=
- let''s get to fightin''!* 我們去戰鬥吧!
- where do you want us? 想讓我們去哪兒?
- show us a target! 給我們指個目標!
- hello! 哈樓!
- gotta go. [ me too! ] 該走了〔我也是!〕
- move your arse! 走了,笨蛋
- you made the right choice. [ it''s on! ] 正確的選擇!〔行動中!〕
- common shorty. [ on our way! ] 快點,矮子!〔正在路上!〕
- we''ll do it in a jiffy! 我們瞬間就能完成
- mobile! 移動!
- [ it''s you and me pal. ] we''ve got the energy. 就是妳和我,夥計〔咱們矮人有力量〕
- i''m t.n.t. [ i''m dyno mite! ] 我是tnt。〔我是dynamite(炸藥名)]
- [ we must defeat the dwarfs! ] ugghhh! we are the dwarfs! [ oh. ] 〔我們必須消滅矮人!〕呃啊!我們就是矮人!〔噢。〕
- you''ve got a chip on your shoulder. [ mmm, yes, and a bit of fish too! ] 妳的肩膀上有些彈藥碎片(薯條)〔恩,是啊,還有魚片呢!〕
- and that''s how baby dwarfs are made. [ ah! ] 矮人baby就是這麽來的〔啊@@〕
- [ clearly tassadar has failed us. you must not! ] 顯然tassadar讓我們失望了,妳絕對不可以!(tassadar:聖堂武士,protoss的英雄)
- [ what''s that? ] get your finger out of that bung hole! 〔那是什麽?〕把妳的手指從炮筒裏拿開!
- hmmm hmmm hmmm. burn and lootin''. bomb and shootin''! (用唱的) 亨~亨~亨~燃燒引線,發射炮彈~
- take this you bastards! 接著這個,混蛋!(炸彈爆炸)
- [.vs 英雄] for kazmodon!** 為了kazmodon(矮人家園)
- this battle is over! 戰鬥結束!
- eat mortar! [ eat lead! ] 吃我的迫擊炮!〔吃我的炮彈!〕
- they''re dead! 他們死定了!
- hey you, catch! 嗨,妳,接著!
- eat hot dead! 歡快的死吧!
- (註解: 所有音效都是噪音而無文字)
- the damned stand ready! 詛咒者就緒!
- my life for nazul! ner ''zhul萬歲!(nazul應為ner ''zhul,ud的老大,下同)
- i wish only to serve! 服從是我的天命!
- thy bidding, master? 您的命令,主人?
- where shall my blood be spilled? 我的熱血應撒向何處?
- i bow to your will. 服從您的意願。
- yes, master! 是,主人!
- i gladly obey. 我樂意服從。
- my fate is sealed. 我的前途是未知的。
- thy will be done! 您的意願已完成!
- this is the hour of the scourge! 天罰的時代降臨了!
- death shall cleanse the world! 死亡將清洗大地!
- all i see is blackness... oh, my hood''s down. 我見到無盡的黑暗…噢,我的頭巾掉下來了。
- let blood drown the weak! 讓血海淹沒弱者吧!
- my life for aiur! uh, i mean nazul! aiur萬歲!啊,我指的是ner ''zhul!
- the living be cursed! 詛咒生者!
- would you like to know the secret to eternal happiness? page 246. 想知道永恒的幸福的秘密嗎?翻到246頁。
- once you head down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny! and you get dental. 壹旦妳步入黑暗,它會永恒支配妳的命運!
- [.vs 英雄] i am sanctified! 我被凈化了!
- death shall reign! 亡靈支配壹切!
- fear the reaper! 在死神面前顫抖吧!
- let life cease! 生命,終結吧!
(註解: 所有其他音效都是噪音)
- me eat dead people! 我吃死人~
- me scary! 我好怕怕哦~
- me eat brains! 我吃腦髓~
- no guts, no glory! 不貪婪地吃,怎麽能獲得榮耀!
(趣味註解: 他的死亡音效文件名是''pitfienddeath'' 而不是''cryptfiend'' )
- the sleeper awakes! 沈睡者蘇醒了!
- proceed! 前進!
- make your choice!請指示!
- you rang? 妳在召喚我嗎?
- i await. 待命。
- [召喚vile insects] rise! 起來吧!
- by narube!** 以narube的名義!
- what''s done is done! 奉命行事!
- the time is now! 是時候了!
- yes, master! 是,主人!
- what a tangled web we weave!我們編織的網多麽纏繞!
- spider sense tingling.
- last week my top half was on the discovery channel. 上星期我的上半身出現在《探索頻道》
- and my bottom half was on animal planet. 而下半身出現在《動物星球》
- my ass always gets bloated during my spin cycle! 我吐絲的時候pp都腫起來了!
- i like chicks that are into bandage! 我喜歡繃帶綁起來的小雞(亦指mm,有sm的意味哦)
- i''m stuck on bandages, ''cause bandages are stuck on me!* 我被繃帶綁住了,因為我綁住了繃帶!
- [.vs 英雄] fall before the scourge! 在天罰面前倒下吧!
- for the spider kingdom! 為了蜘蛛王國!
- be drained of life! 吸幹妳的生命!
- you may feel a sting. 可能會有點疼的~
(註解: 全是噪音沒有文字)
(註解: 全是噪音沒有文字)
- us hear and obey!* 我們聽從命令!
- what we do?* 讓我們做什麽?
- egghhhh?* 恩?
- we done waiting!完成並等待!
- hmmmm. 唔
- us go!* 我們上!
- egghhhh?* 恩?
- random terror!* 隨機之恐怖!
- (growl) 咆哮聲
- (growl) 咆哮聲
- we come in peace... es! 我們平靜的到來……(由碎片組成)。
- happy entrails! 祝內臟快樂!
- you got us in stenches! 我們從惡臭中而來!
- choke! *打嗝*
- (growl) 咆哮聲
- us dead sexy! 我們賊性感!
- [.vs 英雄] all for one! (註解: 還有one for all!) 萬物歸壹
- kill! 殺!
- (growl) 咆哮聲
- tear meat! 撕成肉片!
- rip! 撕碎!
- the shadows beckon! 影子在召喚!
- the dead shall serve! 死者服從於我!
- the restless dead await! 無盡的死亡在等待!
- what does the shadow will? 何為影之意願?
- this better be good! 這最好有用!
- [屍體炸彈] bloody corpses! 血之屍啊!(屍爆?早取消了啊)
- [召喚骷髏] awaken! 蘇醒吧!
- intriguing! 有趣
- for the lich king!為了巫妖王!
- let darkness guide me! 黑暗,指引我吧!
- as the shadow wills! 服從影之意願!
- every man lives, not every man truely dies! 每個人都生存過,但不是每個人都會真正死去!
- i love the dead... frequently! 我愛死屍……經常是
- i see undead people! 我看見亡靈啦~~
- you smell something? oh, its just the troops! 妳聞到什麽東西了嗎?啊,這就是軍隊!
- right click for hot, undead action! 點右鍵觀看亡靈熱舞秀
- [.vs 英雄] they''ll all be mine in the end! 他們最終都將成為我的傀儡!
- die! 死吧!
- tremble before the scourge! 在天罰面前顫抖吧
- none shall survive! 殺無赦!
(註解: 全是噪音沒有文字)
- let my cries chill the living! 讓生命在我的尖叫中顫栗吧!
- you call to me? 妳召喚我?
- you brought me back? 妳把我帶回來了?
- why have i been summoned? 為什麽我被召喚來?
- what must i do? 我得做什麽?
- high!* high
- if it pleases you. 如果這能取悅妳
- yes. 是
- if i must. 如果我必須做
- i must obey. 我必須服從
- if that is your wish. 如果那是妳的意願。
- let this torment end! 讓痛苦結束吧!
- how long must i suffer? 我還要受多少折磨?
- u. n. d. e. a. d. find out what it means to me! u n d e a d,告訴我是什麽意思!
- there is no banshee, only zul!** 沒有女妖,只有zul。
- i hate you, i hate you... call me! 我恨妳,我恨妳……(語氣壹轉)給我打電話。
- [.vs 英雄] my death awaits! 死亡在等待我!
- die! 死!
- feel my pain! 感受我的痛苦吧!
- your soul shall burn! 燃燒妳的靈魂!
(註解: 全是噪音沒有文字)
- the damned return! 被詛咒者再生了!
- i shall be your eyes! 讓我做妳的眼睛!
- my sight is yours! 我的視線就是妳的!
- what needs revealing? 有什麽需要揭示?
- let''s see. 我們來看吧
- i''ll look into it.我看壹下
- all shall be revealed. 揭示壹切
- i go unseen! 探索未知
- i''m but a shadow of my former self.我只是前身的壹個影子
- what i do in death echoes in eternity! 我的死亡回蕩於永恒!
- death is its own reward! 死亡就是回報!
- i''m having a mid-death crisis! 我存在於生死之間
- i ain''t got no body! (用唱的) 我沒有身體~~~~
- i''m invisible, gaseous, and deadly! 我是隱形的,氣態的,致命的!
- [.vs 英雄] glory to the scourge! 為了天罰的榮耀!
- more souls for the master! 更多的靈魂將會歸於我主
- die! 死!
- let screams fill the air! 讓尖叫充斥天空!
- feel my rath! 感受我的憤怒!
- for the master! 為了我主!
- the pact is sealed! 契約已訂!
- you called? 妳召喚我嗎?
- my patience has ended! 我的耐心已盡!
- i am the darkness! 我就是黑暗!
- my vengence is yours! 妳就是我的復仇!
- let battle be joined! 加入戰鬥!
- as you order! 聽從命令!
- hiyah! 嗨呀!
- at last! 終於!
- for the lich king!為了巫妖王!
- has hell frozen over yet? 地獄還沒有凍住嗎?
- i am the one horseman of the apocalypse. 我是天命騎士之壹。
- i hate people, but i love gatherings! 我恨人們,但我喜歡收藏品
- i''m a death night rider! muh ha ha ha 我是壹個死亡騎士(死掉的夜騎士)!啊哈哈哈
- blueca!**
- don''t touch me... i''m evil! 別碰我……我是邪惡的!
- [.vs 英雄] let terror reign! 讓恐懼統治壹切吧!
- feel my rath! 感受我的憤怒!
- ride or die! 逃跑還是受死!
- by nazul! 以ner ''zhul的名義
- the night beckons! 夜在召喚!
- greetings! 向您問候!
- what, mortal? 什麽事,凡人
- what is it now? 現在呢?
- i must hunt soon! 我立即行動!
- that was my plan! 正是我的計劃!
- agreed! 同意!
- very well. 很好!
- you thought of that? 妳也那麽想?
- if i have wings, why am i always walking? 既然我有翅膀,為什麽我總是步行?
- (電話鈴聲) yes? arrgghh! for the last time, i''m a dread lord, not a drug lord! 餵?啊!!我說最後壹次,我是壹個恐怖魔王,不是毒品王!
- this is not a dress, it''s the standard dread lord uniform!這不是壹般的服裝,這是恐怖魔王標準套裝!
- dress to kill! blah! 是穿來殺人的!廢話!
- (電話鈴聲) yes? darkness, hey, what''s up? the demon hunter left you a message? no, i don''t have his number. 餵?黑暗之王嗎?嗨,情況如何?惡魔獵手給妳留了條短信