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The choice was mine, and mine completely 這是我的選擇,完全是我的I could have any prize that I desired 我可能會得到我渴望得到的獎勵I could burn with the splendor of the brightest fire 我可能會在五彩的火焰中被焚燒殆盡Or else, or else I could choose time 或者,或者我可以選擇時間Remember I was very young then 記得那時,我還年輕And a year was forever and a day 迫不及待的心壹刻也不願等待So what use could fifty, sixty, seventy be? 以後50,60,70歲會怎樣?(我只願及時行樂)I saw the lights, and I was on my way 霓虹燈閃爍著,我的腳步沒有絲毫停頓And how I lived, how they shone 紙醉金迷中But how soon the lights were gone 時光匆匆而過The choice was yours and noone else's 這是妳的選擇,沒有人能代替妳作You can cry for a body in despair 妳為逝去的青春而悔恨Hang your head because she is no longer there 時光匆匆,覆水難收To shine, to dazzle, or betray 任妳出盡風頭,耀眼奪目,或是出賣靈魂How she lived, how she shone 紙醉金迷中But how soon the lights were gone 時光匆匆而過Eyes, hair, face, image 眼睛,頭發,臉龐,和形象All must be preserved 能否頂住歲月的侵襲Still life displayed forever 生活永遠只會展示No less than she deserved. 妳所應得的壹切