00後英文:the post-00s generation
So if you're one of the oh-ohs, there's reason to be hopeful about the future.
Last year he ploughed$ 200m into Snapchat, one of the most popular social apps among millennials and another$ 215m into messaging app Tango.
In the cloudy day, the velocity of sap flow was relatively stable and the peak value appeared 1.5 hours later than that in the sunny day.
4.根據中國最受歡迎的社交軟件微信的供應公司騰訊的調查顯示,中國Emoji表情用戶主要是00後的年輕人,他們每天發送的Emoji表情最多。Chinese emoji users are predominantly young people led by millennials who send the most emojis per day, according to Tencent Holdings Ltd, one of the most popular providers of social media including WeChat in China.
But this time, a group of young post-00s artists seem to receive more praises than doubts and criticism.
A children's version of "Lady White Snake" performed by a group of young post-00s stole audiences' hearts.
It is thought to have about 50 million active users every day, with 20% of them born after the 2000.
According to Millennial Branding, 30 percent of Gen Y workers believe meaningful work is a very important benefit when selecting an employer.
An expert from MyCOS said those born in the 1990s and 2000s prefer self-expression rather than mutual understanding and tolerance, which leads to a problem in finding friends of the opposite sex.