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壹、詳細釋義: , n. , 大浪,波濤 , 例句: ,Raoul looked and saw a white anarchy of roam and surge.,勞烏爾望過去,只看見白花花的浪沫和波濤。, 例句: ,It was a volcano that caused that surge.,那是由於火山現象所造成的大浪。, 洶湧 , 例句: ,The words were lost in the hubbub and I was thrown back by the sudden surge of bodies.,在那亂糟糟的喧嚷聲中,我的話沒人聽見,而我卻被湧上來的人們推到後面去了。, 例句: ,In the year 1091, London Bridge was destroyed by a tidal surge during a storm.,倫敦大橋曾於 1091 年在壹次暴風雨中被洶湧的潮水沖毀。, 激增 [C] , 例句: ,Since the ban on logging many people expect a surge of timber imports.,自從禁止砍伐林木以來,許多人預計木材進口將激增。, 例句: ,It failed to stimulate a surge of investment in industry.,這沒有能 *** 工業投資的激增。, v. , 洶湧 [I] , 例句: ,He felt the blush e up over his collar, surge under his glasses.,他感到臉自脖子壹下紅了,紅暈直湧到了眼鏡下。, 例句: ,Fish and seaweed rose, caught motionless in the surging water.,魚和海藻浮起來,在洶湧的水流中動彈不得。, 蜂擁而來 [I,T] , 例句: ,The front desk must prepare for a surge of arrving guests.,總服務臺應為大批顧客的蜂擁而至作好準備。, 例句: ,The photographers and cameramen surged forward.,攝影師和攝像師們蜂擁上前。, 激增 [I] , 例句: ,Surging imports will add to the demand for hard currency.,進口激增將增加對硬通貨的需求。, 例句: ,The Freedom Party's electoral support surged from just under 10 per cent to nearly 17 per cent.,自由黨的選舉支持率從區區不到10%驟升至近17%。, 二、詞義辨析: , wave,ripple,surge ,這些名詞均有“波浪、浪、波濤”之意。wave普通用詞,指水面上移動的任何具有峯谷皺形的波動,尤指距離相等的波浪,也比喻任何類似的物體。ripple多指微風吹過水面或石頭投入水中所激起的漣漪或細浪。surge詞義較模糊,泛指巨浪、波濤或作比喻使用。, 三、相關短語: ,surge suppressor,電湧抑制器,湧波抑制器,surge protector,浪湧電壓保護器, 四、參考例句: ,A surge of anger rushed over him.,他的氣憤之情上湧。,We were preparing to surge in Afghanistan.,我們正準備增兵阿富汗。,Specialists see various reasons for the recent surge in inflation.,專家們認為目前通貨膨脹加劇有多種原因。,A surge of innovation in techniques is on the horizon.,技術革新的浪潮即將出現。,The crowds surge out of the sports stadium.,觀眾從運動場湧出。,It failed to stimulate a surge of investment in industry.,這沒有能 *** 工業投資的激增。,She felt a surge of love and desire for him.,她對他聚生愛意, *** 攻心。,That kind of surge may be a precursor to inflation.,這種飆升也許是通脹的前兆。,A surge of demonstrators broke through the fence.,洶湧而來的示威者沖破了圍欄。,In the year 1091, London Bridge was destroyed by a tidal surge during a storm.,倫敦大橋曾於 1091 年在壹次暴風雨中被洶湧的潮水沖毀。