当前位置 - 股票行情交易網 - 財經資訊 - 詞匯精選:across的用法和辨析


壹、詳細釋義: , adv. , 從壹邊到另壹邊 , 例句: ,Richard stood up and walked across to the window.,理查德站起身走到了窗邊。, 例句: ,Use the right body language to get your message across.,用正確的肢體語言幫助傳達信息。, 在…對面,在…對過 , 例句: ,Look across, I'm here!,看對面,我在這裏!, 例句: ,They parked across from the Castro Theatre.,他們將車停在了卡斯特羅劇院對面。, 寬… , 例句: ,This hand-decorated plate measures 30cm across.,這個手繪盤子直徑為30厘米。, 例句: ,The snails are no larger than one centimetre across.,這些蝸牛體寬不超過1厘米。, 朝,向 , 例句: ,He glanced across at his sleeping wife.,他朝熟睡的妻子看了壹眼。, 例句: ,She rose from the chair and gazed across at him.,她從椅子上站起身,遠遠地看著他。, 橫跨,橫過,穿過 , 例句: ,Trim toenails straight across using nail clippers.,用指甲刀逐個修剪腳趾甲。, prep. , 從壹邊到另壹邊 , 例句: ,She walked across the floor and lay down on the bed.,她走過地板躺在了牀上。, 例句: ,He watched Karl run across the street to Tommy.,他看著卡爾向街對面的湯米跑去。, 橫跨,橫過,穿過 , 例句: ,It was an old, rabbit-bitten pasture, with a foot-track wandering across it and a molehill here and there,這是片古老的牧場,給兔子啃得七零八落,壹條踏出的小徑橫穿其中,這裏那裏盡是鼴鼠拱出的小丘。, 例句: ,A rainbow arched across the sky.,壹道彩虹橫跨天際。, 在…對面,在…對過 , 例句: ,The store is just across from the station.,商店正好在車站的對面。, 例句: ,The restaurant is across the street from the International Hotel.,餐館就在國際飯店的街對面。, 在…上 , 例句: ,Try putting him across your lap on his stomach.,試試讓他趴著睡在妳大腿上。, 例句: ,For a moment a shadow seemed to pass across Roy's face.,壹瞬間羅伊臉上似乎閃過壹絲憂傷。, 在…各處,遍及 , 例句: ,Millions of people are enrolled in evening *** education programs across America.,許許多多的人參加了遍及美國的成人夜校。, 例句: ,I want to see us work as a team and spread across the United States.,我希望看到我們合作為壹個團隊,並且發展遍及全美國。, 超越,跨越 , 例句: ,We want to promote co *** etics that appeal across the colour barrier.,我們想推銷各種膚色的人都喜歡的化妝品。, 例句: ,They are the parties peting across the political spectrum.,他們是政治紛爭中的各黨派。, 二、詞義辨析: , across,along,over,through ,這些前置詞均有“橫過、穿過”之意。across指“從……的壹邊到另壹邊”,強調橫過,多與動態動詞連用。along指沿著壹條直線在水平方向上運動。壹般表動態,有時也與靜態動詞連用。over常和動態動詞連用,指“從……上面越過”或“橫越”;表靜態時,指“在彼處”。through側重從壹端穿到另壹端。, 三、相關短語: ,across the board,全部包括,總括,壹律;人人有份,每人,across the country,全國各地,e across,1.遇見,偶然看見2.俚交;付;照付;照說;照辦3.口給人深刻印象,看上去似乎是4.被理解5.(女子)同意與男子 *** ,cut across,抄近路穿過,對直通過,get across,get across (to *** )/get sth across (to *** ) 被傳達;被理解;把...講清楚,go across,渡過,越過,put across,做成,搞成;使被理解,欺騙;有效地傳達,表達,run across,穿越,橫穿;偶然碰到, 四、參考例句: ,He hitched across Europe.,他搭車橫跨歐洲。,Typhoon swept across the?coast.,臺風襲擊了沿海地區。,Look across, I'm here!,看對面,我在這裏!,Will you row me across?,妳劃船把我送過去行嗎?,Go across the road carefully.,小心過馬路。,Typhoon swept across the coast.,臺風襲擊了沿海地區。,Lightning flashed across the sky.,閃電閃過天空。,They canoed across the lake.,他們乘輕舟穿過湖面。,He squelched across the turf.,他撲哧撲哧地走過草皮。,He walks across the road.,他走著穿過了馬路。