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1. 國防部

2. 美國非洲司令部(U.S. Africa Command)

3. 美國中央司令部(U.S. Central Command)

4. 美國歐洲司令部(U.S. European Command)

5. 美國北方司令部(U.S. Northern Command)

6. 美國太平洋司令部(United States Pacific Command)

7. 美國南方司令部(United States Southern Command)

8. 美國聯合部隊司令部

9. 美國特種部隊司令部

10. 美國戰略司令部

11. 美國機動司令部

12. 參見

13. 參考文獻

14. 外部鏈接












1. 國防部

國防部長: 羅伯特·蓋茨

副部長: 威廉·林恩三世

1. 1. 國防部各部門


審計長首席助理(Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller))

項目分析評估主任(Director for Program Analysis and Evaluation)

負責采辦、技術與後勤的副部長(Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics)

國防研究與工程局局長(Director of Defense Research and Engineering)

負責采辦與技術的副部長助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology))

負責後勤與物資戰備的副部長助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Logistics and Material Readiness))

負責三防(核生化)項目的國防部長助手(Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Programs))

弱小企業綜合利用主任(Director of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization)

負責采辦改革的副部長助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition Reform))

負責先進系統與概念的副部長助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Advanced Systems and Concepts))

負責環境安全的副部長助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security))

負責工業事務的副部長助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Industrial Affairs))

負責各種設施的副部長助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations))

負責科學技術的副部長助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Science and Technology))

負責人事與戰備的副部長(Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness)

負責部隊管理政策的助理部長(Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management Policy))

負責衛生事務的助理部長(Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs))

負責後備隊的助理部長(Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs))

負責戰備的副部長助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Readiness))

負責項目集成的副部長助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Program Integration))

負責規劃的副部長助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Planning))

負責政策的副部長(Under Secretary of Defense for Policy)

負責政策的副部長首席助理(Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy))

負責國際安全事務的助理部長(Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs))

負責戰略與緩解威懾的助理部長(Assistant Secretary of Defense (Strategy and Threat Reduction))

負責特種作戰與低強度沖突的助理部長(Assistant Secretary of Defense (Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict))

負責政策支持的副部長助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy Support))

負責科技安全政策的副部長助理(Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Technology Security Policy))

北約美國代表團防務顧問,Defense Advisor, U.S. Mission NATO

負責情報的副部長(Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence) 負責指揮、控制、通訊與情報(C3I)的助理部長(Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence)) 負責法律事務的助理部長(Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs))

負責公***事務的助理部長(Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs))

總法律顧問(General Counsel of the Department of Defense)

作戰試驗與論證局局長(Director of Operational Test and Evaluation)

負責情報監督的副部長助理(Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Intelligence Oversight))

行政管理局局長(Director of Administration and Management)

基本評估辦公室主任(Director of Net Assessment)


國防部總監察長(Inspector General of the Department of Defense): 湯馬斯·金波

第壹副總檢察長(Principal Deputy Inspector General)

條令局局長(Dean of Instruction)


高級軍事官員(Senior Military Officer)

負責行政管理的總監察長助理(Assistant Inspector General for Administration and Management)

負責在國會等機構任聯絡官的總監察長助理(Assistant Inspector General, Congressional/Committee Liaison)

總顧問(General Counsel)

負責審計的副總監察長(Deputy Inspector General for Auditing)

負責審計的總監察長第壹助理(Principal Assistant Inspector General (Audit))

負責審計的總監察長助理(Assistant Inspector General (Auditing))

負責審計的總監察長副助理(Deputy Assistant Inspector General (Auditing))

各軍種各審計局(Service Audit Agencies)

負責政策與監督的副總監察長(Deputy Inspector General for Policy and Oversight)

負責審計政策監督的總監察長助理(Assistant Inspector General (Audit Policy Oversight))

負責審查與評估的總監察長助理(Assistant Inspector General (Inspection & Evaluations))

負責調查政策和監督的總監察長助理(Assistant Inspector General (Investigation Policy & Oversight))

熱線處處長(Director of Hotline})

反詐騙處處長(Director of ADU)

定量方法處處長(Director of QMD)


數據挖掘處處長(Director of Data Mining)

各軍種總監察長(Service Inspector Generals)

負責調查的副總監察長(Deputy Inspector General for Investigations)

高級官員調查處處長(Director for Investigations of Senior Officials)

軍人賠償調查處處長(Director for Military Reprisal Investigation)

平民賠償調查處處長(Director for Civilian Reprisal Investigation)

國防刑事調查處處長(Director for en:Defense Criminal Investigative Service)

國防刑事調查處副處長(Deputy Director for Defense Criminal Investigative Service)

美國陸軍犯罪調查司令部(en:U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command)

海軍罪案調查處(en:Naval Criminal Investigative Service)

空軍特別調查處(en:Air Force Office of Special Investigations)

負責情報的副總監察長(Deputy Inspector General for Intelligence)

負責情報審查的總監察長副助理(Deputy Assistant Inspector General (Intelligence Audits))

負責情報評估的總監察長副助理(Deputy Assistant Inspector General (Intelligence Evaluation))

參謀長聯席會議主席: 海軍上將邁克爾·馬倫

參謀長聯席會議副主席: 海軍陸戰隊上將詹姆斯·卡特萊特

海軍作戰部長: 海軍上將加裏·羅海德

陸軍總參謀長: 陸軍上將喬治·凱西

空軍總參謀長: 空軍上將諾頓·施瓦茲

海軍陸戰隊總司令: 海軍陸戰隊上將詹姆斯·康威


參謀長聯席會議主席助理(Assistant to the Chairman)

高級軍事顧問(Senior Enlisted Advisor of the Chairman)

聯合參謀部主任(Director, the Joint Staff)

人力與人事部 (J-1)(Manpower and Personnel)

情報部 (J-2)(Joint Staff Intelligence)

作戰部 (J-3)(Operations)

後勤部 (J-4)(Logistics)

戰略計劃與政策部 (J-5)(Strategic Planning and Policy)

指揮、控制通信與計算機系統部 (J-6)(Command, Control, Communications and Computer Systems)

作戰計劃與聯合部隊發展部(原為作戰計劃與協調部) (J-7)(Operational Plans and Interoperability)

部隊結構、資源與評估部 (J-8)(Force Structure Resources and Assessment)

管理部 (J-9)(Directorate of Management)