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鮑汁南非鮑 South Africa Abalone in Abalone Sauce

金湯扣魚翅 Jintang Fin

金湯扣金鉤翅 Jintang Stew Jingou Fin

木瓜燉燕窩 Pawpaw Stew cubilosw

翅湯裙邊盅 Fin Hoosh

木瓜燉雪蛤 Pawpaw Stew Snow Clam

生煎牛排 Pan--fried beefsteak

鮑汁扣鵝掌 Braised Goose Feet in Abalone Sauce

清蒸長江刀魚 Steamed Saury

糟香中洋洋鰣魚 Zhongyang Shad in Rice Wine Sauce

糖醋肥腸 Sweet and Sour Pork Intestines

杭椒牛柳 Beef Filet with Hangzhou chili

魚香肉絲 Shredded Pork with Garlic Sauce

宮煲雞丁 Gongbao Diced Chicken

紅燒小公雞 Braised Cockerel

梅菜紅燒肉 Red-cooked meat preserv vegetable en Casserol

紅燒帶魚 Braised Ribbonfish in brown Sauce

紅燒春魚 Braised shisamo

大煮幹絲 Brase Shredded Chicken with Ham and Dried Tofu

麻辣豆腐 Spicy Hot Been Curd