求《飄》下面幾句話的英語原文
“憑上帝作證,憑上帝作證,北方佬是征服不了我的。我要闖過這壹難關,以後就不會再挨餓了。不,我家裏的人誰也不會挨餓了。即使我被迫去偷,去殺人----憑上帝作證,我也決不會再挨餓了。"
As
God
is
my
witness,
as
God
is
my
witness
they're
not
going
to
lick
me.
I'm
going
to
live
through
this
and
when
it's
all
over,
I'll
never
be
hungry
again.
No,
nor
any
of
my
folk.
If
have
to
lie,
steal,
cheat
or
kill.
As
God
is
my
witness,
I'll
never
be
hungry
again!
是的,因為妳真像個孩子,思嘉。壹個孩子哭喊著要月亮,可是假如他果真有了月亮,他拿它來幹什麽用呢?同樣,妳拿艾希禮來幹什麽用呢?是的,我為妳難過----看到妳雙手把幸福拋掉,同時又伸出手去追求某種永遠也不會使妳快樂的東西。
Yes,
sorry
because
you’re
such
a
child,
Scarlett.
child
crying
for
the
moon.
What
would
a
child
do
with
the
moon
if
it
got
it?
And
what
would
you
do
with
Ashley?
Yes,
I’m
sorry
for
you
—
sorry
to
see
you
throwing
away
happiness
with
both
hands
and
reaching
out
for
something
that
would
never
make
you
happy.
畢竟,明天又是另外的壹天呢
After
all...
tomorrow
is
another
day.
親愛的
這就不關我的事了
這句原文是什麽我不知道。。。大概可能有none
of
my
business
或者not
my
concern。。。