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QC quality control 品質管理人員

FQC final quality control 終點品質管制人員

IPQC in process quality control 制程中的品質管制人員

OQC output quality control 最終出貨品質管制人員

IQC ining quality control 進料品質管制人員

TQC total quality control 全面質量管理

POC passage quality control 段檢人員

QA quality assurance 質量保證人員

OQA output quality assurance 出貨質量保證人員

QE quality engineering 品質工程人員


FAI first article inspection 新品首件檢查

FAA first article assurance 首件確認

CP capability index 能力指數

CPK capability process index 模具制程能力參數

SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供應商品質評估

FMEA failure model effectiveness *** ysis 失效模式分析


AQL Aeptable Quality Level 運作類允收品質水準

S/S Sample size 抽樣檢驗樣本大小

ACC Aept 允收

REE Reject 拒收

CR Critical 極嚴重的

MAJ Major 主要的

MIN Minor 輕微的

Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品質/可靠度/服務

P/N Part Number 料號

L/N Lot Number 批號

AOD Aept On Deviation 特采

UAI Use As It 特采

FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件檢查報告

PPM Percent Per Million 百萬分之壹


SPC Statistical Process Control 統計制程管制

SQC Statistical Quality Control 統計品質管制

GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重測性判斷量可靠與否

DIM Dimension 尺寸

DIA Diameter 直徑

N Number 樣品數


QIT Quality Improvement Team 品質改善小組

ZD Zero Defect 零缺點

QI Quality Improvement 品質改善

QP Quality Policy 目標方針

TQM Total Quality Management 全面品質管理

RMA Return Material Audit 退料認可

7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法


ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程變更通知(供應商)

ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改動要求(客戶)

PCN Process Change Notice 工序改動通知

PMP Product Management Plan 生產管制計劃

SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 制程檢驗標準程序

SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作業規範

IS Inspection Specification 成品檢驗規範

BOM Bill Of Material 物料清單

PS Package Specification 包裝規範

SPEC Specification 規格

DWG Drawing 圖面


ES Engineering Standard 工程標準

CGOO China General PCE龍華廠文件

IWS International Workman Standard 工藝標準

ISO International Standard Organization 國際標準化組織

GS General Specification 壹般規格


PMC Production & Material Control 生產和物料控制

PCC Product control center 生產管制中心

PPC Production Plan Control 生產計劃控制

MC Material Control 物料控制

DC Document Center 資料中心

QE Quality Engineering 品質工程(部)

QA Quality Assurance 品質保證(處)

QC Quality Control 品質管制(課)

PD Product Department 生產部

LAB Laboratory 實驗室

IE Industrial Engineering 工業工程

R&D Research & Design 設計開發部


PCs Pieces 個(根,塊等)

PRS Pairs 雙(對等)

CTN Carton 卡通箱

PAL Pallet/skid 棧板

PO Purchasing Order 采購訂單

MO Manufacture Order 生產單

D/C Date Code 生產日期碼

ID/C Identification Code (供應商)識別碼

SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求

L/N Lot Number 批號

P/N Part Number 料號

OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原設備制造

PC Personal Computer 個人電腦

CPU Central Processing Unit 中央處理器

A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 盡可能快的

E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 電子郵件

N/A Not Applicable 不適用

QTY Quantity 數量

I/O input/output 輸入/輸出

NG Not Good 不行,不合格

C=0 Critical=0 極嚴重不允許

APP Approve 核準,認可,承認

CHK Check 確認

ASS'Y Assembly 裝配,組裝

T/P True Position 真位度

5WIH When, Where, Who, What, Why, How to

6M Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Message

4MTH Man, Material, Money, Method, Time, How 人力,物力,財務,技術,時間(資源)

SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略品質保證

DQA Design Quality Assurance 設計品質保證

MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 制造品質保證

SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 銷售及服務品質保證

LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率

SPS Switching power supply 電源箱

DT Desk Top 臥式(機箱)

MT Mini-Tower 立式(機箱)

DVD Digital Video Disk

VCD Video Compact Disk

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

CAD Computer Aided Design

CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing

CAE Computer Aided Engineering

PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷電路板

CAR Correction Action Report 改善報告

NG Not Good 不良

WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出貨要求

PPM Percent Per Million 百萬分之壹

TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生產保養

MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需計劃

OS Operation System 作業系統

TBA To Be Assured 待定,定缺

D/C Drawing Change

P/P Plans & Procedure

EMI Electrical-Music Industry 電子音樂工業

Electrical Magic Interference 電子幹擾

RFI Read Frequency Input 讀頻輸入

MMC Maximum Material Condition

MMS Maximum Material Size

LMC Least Material Condition

LMS Least Material Size

LED lighting-emitting diode 發光二極管

QBR Quarter Business Record

CIP Continuous improvement process

FGI Forecasted Goal Inventory

CNC Computerized numeral controller

B2C Business to customer

B2B Business to business

AVL Approved vendor list

POP Procedure of packaging

EOL End of life

VDCS Vender defect correcting sheet

PDCS Process defect correcting sheet

GRN Goods receiving note

A/R Aounting receivable

A/P Aounting payable





general manager總經理

special assistant 特助

deputy manager |'depjuti| =vice manager副理

deputy supervisor =vice supervisor副課長

group leader組長

line leader線長

supervisor 課長

responsible department負責單位

Human Resources Department


Head count 人頭數

production department生產部門

planning department企劃部

QC Section品管課

stamping factory沖壓廠

painting factory烤漆廠

molding factory成型廠

administration/general affairs dept./總務部

production unit生產單位

meeting minutes會議記錄

distribution department分發單位



decision items決議事項

pre-fixed finishing date預定完成日

Color management 顏色管理

Visual management 目視管理

production capacity生產力

first count初盤

first check初盤復棹

second count 復盤

second check復盤復核

quantity of physical inventory second count 復盤點數量

physical inventory盤點數量

physical count quantity帳面數量

difference quantity差異量

spare parts physical inventory list備品盤點清單

cause *** ysis原因分析

waste materials廢料


specification 規格


work order工令



registration card登記卡

to control管制

application form for purchase請購單

consume, consumption消耗

to notify通知

to fill in填寫

to collect, to gather收集


co *** etic inspection standard 外觀檢驗規範

puter case 電腦外殼(組件)

personal puter enclosure 電腦機箱產品

front plate前板

rear plate後板

chassis |'∫?si| 基座

bezel panel面板

Hood 上蓋 ?

base pan 基座

bezel 面板

riser card 擴充卡

flat cable 排線

TOP driver cage 上磁架

bottom driver cage 下磁架

resin film 樹脂膜

raw materials原料


steel plate鋼板

roll/coil material卷料

spare parts =buffer備品

plastic parts塑膠件

sheet metal parts/stamping parts 沖件

material check list物料檢查表

finished product成品

semi-finished product半成品

good product/aepted goods/


TV 電視

CID 英國刑事調查部

APEC 亞太經合組織

MIT 麻省理工

CCG 中國城管



Amplifier Output Execute on Interrupt, ?放大器輸出中斷執行

Analog Output Execute on Interrupt ? 模擬輸出中斷執行


*** tp 發收電子郵件協議 ftp 文件傳輸協議 超文本傳輸協議 X.400 用於國際函件分布系統的標準 pop3 接收電子郵件協議 tcp 傳輸控制協議 IP Inter協議 ppp 端對端協議


ISO ['ais?u]


abbr. 國際標準化組織(International Standardization Organization);國際科學組織(International Science Organization)




iso code:國際標準代碼|國際標準碼|標準代碼



ISO的組織結構 詳細 ?

搜索 ISO 東莞桑拿ISO ISO教學


企業資源計劃即 ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)



1Aounts of Chemical Research

2Adsorption Science and Technology

3Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology

4Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering

5Chemical Society Reviews

6Chinese Journal of Nuclear Physics

7European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology

8European Journal of Organic Chemistry

9Food Science and Technology International

10 Hungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry



ISP(Inter Service Provider),互聯網服務提供商,即向廣大用戶綜合提供互聯網接入業務、信息業務、和增值業務的電信運營商。

ICP(Inter Content Provider)是互聯網內容提供商,向廣大用戶綜合提供互聯網信息業務和增值業務的電信運營商。



INCOTERMS2000的貿易術語有13個,INCOTERMS 2010的貿易術語只有11個了,分別是:

EXW Ex Works (insert named place of delivery) 工廠交貨(……指定地點)

FCA Free Carrier (insert named place of delivery) 貨交承運人(……指定地點)

DAT Delivered at Terminal (insert named terminal at port or place of destination) 終點站交貨(……指定目的地)

DAP Delivered at Place (insert named place of destination) 地點交貨 (……指定目的地)

DDP Delivered Duty Paid (insert named place of destination) 完稅後交貨(……指定目的地)

FAS Free Alongside Ship (insert named port of shipment) 船邊交貨(……指定裝運港)

FOB Free on Board (insert named port of shipment) 船上交貨(……指定裝運港)

CPT Carriage Paid to (insert named place of destination) 運費付至(……指定目的地)

CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid to (insert named place of destination) 運費、保險費付至(…指定目的地)

CFR Cost and Freight (insert named port of destination) 成本加運費(……指定目的港)

CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight (insert named port of destination) 成本、保險費 加運費(指定目的港)



皮鞋: leather shoes

英文縮寫: L.S.? 這個少見了。