Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction,because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly.For example,with the developmet of cities,the using of insecticide and serious pollution,their living areas have bee narrowcr and narrower.Many of the wild animals,now are confronted with food crisis.At the same time,man is killing off species just for getting their fur,skin,horns,teeth and meat.
Saving Land for Endangered Animals
There is only so much land on the earth,and so what we can do with it is limited.Some people believe that human needs for farmland,housing and industry should e first,while others believe that some land should be set aside for endangered animals.I am of the opinion that we should reserve some land for the world's animals for the following reasons.
First,mankind's need for land is constantly growing.If the demand is not checked in some way,humans will eventually develop all of the earth's available land.At that time,mankind will have no more room to grow,and all the wild animals will have disappeared,as well as other valuable resources.Second,humans are able to innovate and can use the land that they already possess in more efficient ways.Animals are unable to do this.Once their land is taken away from them they will die.Third and last,endangered animals are an important part of the biodiversity of our pla.If they disappear,we cannot predict what the effect will be.Therefore,we should treat such animals as a valuable resource to be protected.
To sum up,the world's endangered animals are an important resource and we should protect them by setting aside some land for them.Although mankind's need for land continues to grow,people are intelligent and inventive enough to put the land they have to better use.In this way,we can have enough land for farming,housing and industry,and preserve the biodiversity of the pla at the same time.
2. 八年級下冊語文第四課選壹個句子仿寫
便回到窩裏,把今天遇到的事告訴大王和王後。 大王和王聽了之後可不高興。
王後首先發了言:“人類真偏心,不就是蜜蜂比我們大,比我們漂亮嗎!這又有什麽了不起的! “是啊!有可能蜜蜂經常蟄人類,人類怕了,就只好用這個法子,讓蜜蜂高興。壹個‘行賄’,壹個‘受賄’真是不要臉!國王振振有詞的說。
國王說道。 第二天壹大清早,國王就帶上幹糧徒步去蜜蜂王國。
吃著吃著,它看到壹只蜜蜂向它飛來,仇恨又湧上了心頭,便大聲問道:“蜜蜂!憑什麽人類非要贊美妳們,不贊美我們?! 蜜蜂心平氣和地說:“這個問題並不難,所以不贊美妳們是因為妳們只想著自己,只為妳們做事。螞蟻國王聽了牙口無言,心服口服地離去了。
3. 8年級上冊第壹單元b部分1c,1b改寫成壹篇短文我從不喜歡自己在家做孤獨的“宅女”,壹有空我會叫上幾個好朋友去騎自行車,讓頭發在風中飄揚;或者爬上欄桿與好朋友說說心裏話;要不就壹起轉轉精品店,回家的路上壹個人來杯香芋奶茶。
4. 八年級下冊英語人教版第10單元2c仿寫作文Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction,because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly.For example,with the developmet of cities,the using of insecticide and serious pollution,their living areas have bee narrowcr and narrower.Many of the wild animals,now are confronted with food crisis.At the same time,man is killing off species just for getting their fur,skin,horns,teeth and meat.
Saving Land for Endangered Animals
There is only so much land on the earth,and so what we can do with it is limited.Some people believe that human needs for farmland,housing and industry should e first,while others believe that some land should be set aside for endangered animals.I am of the opinion that we should reserve some land for the world's animals for the following reasons.
First,mankind's need for land is constantly growing.If the demand is not checked in some way,humans will eventually develop all of the earth's available land.At that time,mankind will have no more room to grow,and all the wild animals will have disappeared,as well as other valuable resources.Second,humans are able to innovate and can use the land that they already possess in more efficient ways.Animals are unable to do this.Once their land is taken away from them they will die.Third and last,endangered animals are an important part of the biodiversity of our pla.If they disappear,we cannot predict what the effect will be.Therefore,we should treat such animals as a valuable resource to be protected.
To sum up,the world's endangered animals are an important resource and we should protect them by setting aside some land for them.Although mankind's need for land continues to grow,people are intelligent and inventive enough to put the land they have to better use.In this way,we can have enough land for farming,housing and industry,and preserve the biodiversity of the pla at the same time.
5. 蘇教版語文,八年級下冊,第壹單元作文,象征作文怎麽寫有這樣壹種東西,在妳面臨懸崖峭壁時,渴望能借助她橫渡天險,在妳面臨急流險灘時,盼望能借助她順利到達彼岸.也有人說:當我們在人生旅途中迷失方向而駐足不前時,我們更需要她,需要她在我們”山重水復疑無路”的時候,讓我們看到”柳暗花明又壹村”的奇景.她!便是普通得不能再普通的”橋”!而在我心中,有壹座橋指引著我的人生方向,伴著我走過每壹天。
朋友是橋,朋友是壹座用世界上最可貴的感情築起的友情之橋。當我們面臨生活的挑戰而有些怯懦時;當我們被失敗擊得遍體鱗傷時;當我們被勝利沖昏頭腦迷失方向時;當我們被厄運擺布得幾乎絕望時……這座橋便時刻提醒和幫助著我們。走過這座由誠摯的心靈和相互的理解築成的友情之橋,我們便理解了“溝通”的意義 ;走過這座橋,只想高呼壹聲:“友情萬歲!”
6. 求人教版八年級下冊語文書第壹課的研討與練習第四題的作文代魯迅給藤野先生的壹封信 尊敬的藤野先生: 您好! 自從當年因棄醫從文而離開仙臺的那壹刻起,我對您的思念如同蠶絲般牽連不斷,無時無刻不在想念著您! 在成長的道路上,我無時無刻不想起您對我的培養和教導.您沒有狹隘的民族偏見,您治學嚴謹、教學認真,您能以公正之心來對待我這位弱國的學生,您給予了我極大的關心,鼓勵和真誠的幫助.在當時的歷史背景下,您能做到這樣是多少的難能可貴啊!正因如此,您給我留下的是無盡的不安和感激.您知道嗎?您在我心中,是多麽的偉大!是您讓我明白了壹句話:治人者的罪惡不是治於人者的過錯. 我當初學醫本就懷著救國救民的願望,但棄醫而離開仙臺,是因為看了那個電影新聞,發現了中國國民的愚昧和麻木,於是我決定棄醫從文,要用文筆來改變中國國民的精神,喚起他們的危機感和治國熱情.我想這比治好人們的疾病顯得重要得多,所以,當初我作了這壹抉擇.那天與您告別,我欺騙了您,無非是想不讓您悲傷和遺憾.現在還希望能得到您的體諒和理解. 我離開仙臺之後,就多年沒有照過相,又怕您問起,感到失望,所以至今都沒有向您寫過信.您給我改正的講義,我也收藏著,但在遷居的過程中,中途損壞了壹口書箱,失去半箱書,那講義也隨之不見了.這使我非常的失望.但至少,我還留有您的照片.每當夜間疲倦,總是您的照片使我從疲憊之中解脫,使我又良心發現,而且增長了勇氣. 您對我的熱心的希望,不倦的教誨,使我對您的尊敬和欽佩是他人所無以比擬的.您的精神和美德將永遠激勵我不斷向前奮進! 順致 教安! 您的學生周樹人 某年某月某日。
7. 八上 仿寫unit73a寫壹篇作文讓我去擁抱這個世界,渴望擁有壹雙翅膀飛到每壹個角落去展示中國文明的兩千年歷史。數學教會了我細心,每當我煩躁不安時,那壹個個加減乘除符號就能讓我的心情漸漸平靜下來。於是,我浮躁的性格大有改觀,我漸漸變成了現在這樣——開朗活潑的我。