“Addict”,n. 有癮的人
1. Drug addict: 藥物成癮者。這種冠以“藥物”的定語,通常就是指成癮於非合法性質的藥物比如海洛因、可卡因等。
a. Every year, countless drug addicts go to rehab to overcome their addiction. (每年都有無數的藥物成癮者去戒毒中心努力戒除成癮。)
b. She was a drug addict for five years before finally getting clean. (她渴望戰勝藥物成癮,花了五年終於脫離了藥物的依賴。)
2. Game addict: 遊戲成癮者。使用“遊戲”的定語後,主要是用於形容長期沈迷於視頻遊戲或在線遊戲的人。
a. My cousin is such a game addict, he spends every free moment playing online games. (我的表弟很沈迷於遊戲,每個空閑的時刻都在玩遊戲。)
b. For a while, I was a game addict too, but then I realized it was taking over my life. (有壹段時間,我也是遊戲成癮者,但後來意識到它正影響我個人生活。)
3. Shopaholic: 癡迷購物者。這個搭配通常用於指那些無法擺脫購物欲望的人。
a. My aunt is a total shopaholic, every time she goes out she comes back with bags full of clothes. (我的姨媽非常癡迷購物,每次出門她都會帶回滿滿的衣服袋子。)
b. I was a shopaholic for a while, but then I realized that I was spending more money than I had. (我曾經壹度非常癡迷於購物,但後來我意識到自己花了比自己有的錢更多的錢。)
4. Alcoholics / Alcohol addict: 酗酒成癮者/醉酒成癮者。這個搭配通常用於那些經常飲酒、或者已經沈迷於飲酒之中的人。
a. Alcoholics Anonymous is an organization dedicated to helping alcoholics overcome their addiction. (匿名酒精戒斷協會致力於幫助酒精成癮者克服成癮。)
b. He was an alcohol addict for many years but then he went to rehab and got clean. (他長達多年都是個醉酒成癮者,但後來他去了康復中心並戒除酒癮。)