Saruman: "Can we not take council together, as we once did, my old friend? Can we not have peace, you and I?"
Théoden: "We shall have peace."
Théoden: "We shall have peace… when you answer for the burning of the westfold, and the children that lie dead there. We shall have peace, when the lives of the soldiers, whose bodies were hewn even as they lay dead against the gates of the Hornburg, are avenged! When you hang from a gibbet for the sport of your own crows… we shall have peace."
Saruman: "Gibbets and crows? Dotard!"
Saruman: "What do you want Gandalf Greyhame? Let me guess: the key of Orthanc, or perhaps the key of Barad-d?r itself, along with the crowns of the seven kings and the rods of the five wizards!"
Gandalf: "Your treachary has already cost many lives. Thousands more are now at risk, but you could save them Saruman. You were deep in the enemy's council."
Saruman: "So you have come here for information. I have some for you."
Saruman: "Something festers in the heart of Middle-Earth. Something that you have failed to see. But the Great Eye has seen it. Even now he presses his advantage. His attack will come soon."
Saruman: "You're all going to die."