保鮮膜英文:Fresh keeping film
Under the condition of plastic wrap, the Rp of cucumber changed little at the first four days, but increased significantly at the fifth day, then became equilibrium state.?
2、每個蛋糕裹上保鮮膜或者錫紙,放進冰箱過夜。Wrap each cupcake in plastic wrap and foil, and freeze overnight.?
3、覆上保鮮膜,冷藏24小時。Cover with plastic film and refrigerate for 24 hours.?
4、食品保鮮膜對烹飪蔬菜中維生素C含量的影響Effect of food cling wrap film on the vitamin C content of cooked vegetables?
5、在菜肴未冷卻時加蓋食品保鮮膜反而會導致烹飪蔬菜中維生素C含量的下降。It led to reduction of Vc content of cooked vegetables when film was covered before food turned cold.?