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1、Is it true that?Harrods?produces its own electricity?哈羅德百貨公司真的是自己發電的嗎?

2、Harrods?says it sells everything to everybody, everywhere.哈羅德百貨公司說,它所有的產品都面向世界各地、面向每個人出售。

3、I ran into my cousin in?Harrods?recently.我最近在哈洛德百貨商店遇見了我表弟。

4、The couple then shopped for a wedding dress at?Harrods.然後,兩人到Harrods采購結婚禮服。

5、Excuse me, but are you going anywhere near?Harrods?壹勞駕,妳是到靠近哈羅茲的地方去嗎?

6、This month it bought?Harrods, London's most famous shop.本月,它還買下了倫敦最有名的商場哈羅茲。

7、Harrods?will also engrave your child's name on the side.哈羅茲還會將妳孩子的名字刻在側面。

8、The displays in?Harrods?are one of the sights in London.哈羅德百貨公司的陳列品是倫敦壹景。

9、Due to his own perseverance, within six months he was back at?Harrods.由於他自己的堅持,六個月後他便回到哈羅茲上班了。

10、I bought a treadmill and after three years I still hadn't removed the?Harrods?price tag.當時買了個跑步機,可是三年後也沒把哈洛氏百貨的價簽拆下來。