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Host: The first question that I am kind of interested in asking what you think each has contributed to the puter and technology industry

starting with you


for Bill and vice versa.


Jobs: I think the biggest thing was that Bill was really focused on sofare

before almost anybody else had a clue it was really the sofare.


Host: Bill

how about the contribution of Steve and Apple?


Bill: First

I want to clarify I am not fake Steve Jobs.

蓋茨 :首先我想澄清,我不是“假的喬布斯”(博客上的壹個玩笑)

Host: Actually I looked at an Apple ad from 1978 It was a print ad that shows you how ancient it was. And it said

thousands of people have discovered the Apple Computer.


Jobs: We had some very strange ads back then. There was one that was in the kitchen. And there was a woman that looked like the wife

and she was typing the recipes on the puter

with her hu *** and looking on approvingly on the f like that…

喬布斯:那個時候我們確實有不少古怪的廣告比如有壹個廣告取景在廚房有個看起來像是主婦的女人, 在用電腦輸入菜譜,而他的老公在身後贊許地看著她.類似這樣的...

Host: Some people here

but I don't think most people know there was actually a Microsoft sofare on that Apple II Computer. Do you want to talk about what happened there? How that occurred?


Bill:The original Apple II BASIC

the integer BASIC

we had nothing to do with it. And then there was a floating-point one

where I mostly worked with Woz on that.

蓋茨 :最早的蘋果二代用的是基於整數運算的Basic操作系統,我們完全沒有參與。後來改版成支持浮點運算的那個(就有微軟參與了),這個項目主要是我和沃茲尼亞克壹起做的...

Jobs: Let me tell the story. We are getting a lot of input that people want this BASIC to be floating point. Please! Please make this floating point. We are begging Woz.


Host: Who is "we"? How many people at Apple?


Jobs: Well

are begging Woz to make this floating point. He just never does it. He wrote it by hand on paper.


Host: How much was it? I think you were telling us earlier.


Bill: Oh


000. For the floating point BASIC. And I flew out to Apple and spent o days there getting the cassette…The cassette tapes were the main ways people stored things at the time. And

you know

that was fun. So we were working together. The schedules were uncertain. The quality was uncertain. And the Steve first came up

it was gonna be an a lot cheaper puter than it end up being. But that was we made this bet that this paradigm shift would be the graphic interface. Particularly the Macintosh will make it happen with 128K of memory. 22k of which was for the screen buffer

14k was for the operating system.

蓋茨: 哦,3萬1千美金。來提供支持浮點運算的BASIC操作系統。我飛到蘋果總部,花了兩天的時間把那磁帶搞定...磁帶是那個時代的主要存儲工具。妳可以想象,那很有意思。我們在壹起工作,沒有確定的日程計劃,沒有明確的配置要求,價格也都還不定...喬布斯原來設想的電腦比最後實際推出的要便宜很多。不過這也沒什麽,所以我們賭了圖形界面會是下壹個革新,尤其是蘋果電腦會用其128K的內存讓這壹切變成可能,屏顯緩存22K,操作系統14K。

Host: 14K?!


Bill: We were actually negotiating a deal to invest and make some mitment with Gil Amelio. Next thing I know

Steve called me and said

"Don't worry about that negotiation with Gil Amelio,you can just talk to me now."

蓋茨: 那是我們正在和Gil Amelio(蘋果當時的CEO)談壹筆投資交易後來沒多久,喬布斯打電話給我說:“不用和Gil Amelio談了,現在妳可以直接和我談了。”(喬布斯回歸蘋果了)

How do you look at yourself in this landscape today? You are petitors in certain ways. We watched the get annoyed at each other from time to time. I have to confess I like the PC guy.


Jobs: Yes

he is great. I like know the art of those mercials is not to be mean

but actually for the guys to like each other.


Bill: Thanks!


Jobs: PC guys are got a great heart.


Bill: In a few cases like the Zune

if you go over to that group. They think of Apple as the petitor. They love the fact that Apple has created a gigantic market. And they are gonna try and e in and contribute something to that. We love them

'coz they are all customers. The same processors essentially that the Mac had this is one of those great ironies,that they were switching away from that processor

while the Xbox 360 was adopting it. But for good reasons

actually in both cases. We try and do things that way. So that was the development system for the early people getting their sofare ready for the introduction of Xbox 360.

蓋茨: 有幾個例子比如做Zune(微軟的類似iPod產品)的那個小組。他們會把蘋果當作競爭對手,他們為蘋果創造了個那麽巨大的市場而感到高興,他們也會參與進來並努力作點自己的貢獻,我們很喜歡他們,因為他們都是我們(iPod)的用戶,(Xbox 360)用的是和Mac壹樣的處理器。這是我們認識上反差最大的事之壹,在蘋果放棄那個處理器的時候(該處理器在移動方面有欠缺)。XBox 360正開始采用它(XBox不需要移動應用)。不過兩者雖然做法不同,但都有各自的道理。我們努力做到從實際需求出發。所以XBox早期員工就是用的這個開發系統來推出Xbox 360需要的軟件部分。

Jobs: And we never ran an ad on that.


Bill: I see. Admirable restraint. That's wonderful restraint.


Jobs: There were hundreds of them.


Bill: Steve is so known for his restraints.


Host: I assume you carry tablet PC.I don't know what brand it is. Maybe you change them up. I don't know. You obviously carry a Macbook Pro

I would guess.

主持人:我猜妳隨身會帶個平板PC電腦,當然不知道是哪個牌子的。也許妳換著用?我不清楚。妳壹定帶著壹個MacBook Pro,我猜。

Jobs: Yeah. Well

and an iPhone.


Host: You have one?


Jobs: I do.


Host: Right here?


Jobs: Yes.


Host: He has one. He took it out before. Really. Is the iPhone and some of the other *** artphone. I know you believe the iPhone is much better than the other *** artphones at the moment. But are these things.. are they just puters in a different form factor?


Jobs: You know we are working on some things that I can't talk about


Host: Again.


Jobs: Again



Host: Very beautiful

yeah! There used to be a saying

isn't it at Apple… Gonna blow us away


when you can talk about it. Blow us away


it's great. There used to be a saying at Apple


Jobs: Isn't it funny

a ship that leaks from the top?


Host: That's kind of like a sweater without sleeves is a vest.


Jobs: That's what they used to say about me when I was in my 20s.


Host: I am gonna ask a more personal question. We have just a minute before going to open up for questions. What's the greatest -I'm not gonna call this a Barbara Walters moment and ask you what tree you'd like to be

but…She would love to be Barbara Walters

let me just tell you. No

I would not. What's the greatest misunderstanding...


Jobs: Ding...


Host: Thank you

t your relationship? You're obviously gonna go down in history

history books already set

kind of thing. But what's the greatest misunderstanding in your relationship and about each other? What would you say about this idea of cat fight? Which one of the many?

主持人:謝謝妳,喬布斯。 妳們彼此關系上的最大誤會是什麽?毫無疑問妳們會被記錄史冊,這段歷史可以說已經塵埃落定,妳們彼此之間最大的誤會是什麽?妳對比如“貓狗大戰”這樣的說法怎麽看,眾多說法中哪個比較準確?

Jobs: We've kept our marriage secret for over a decade now.


Host: Canada! That trip to Canada!


Jobs: Generally

we were both the youngest guys in the room

individually or together. I am about 6 months older than he is

but roughly the same age. And now when we are working at our respective panies

I don't know about you

but I am the oldest guy in the room

most of the time. That's why I love being here.



Host: Happy to oblige.


Jobs: I think of most things in life as either a Bob Dylan or a Beatles song. But there is that one line in that one Beatles song. You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead. That's clearly true here.


Host: Sweet. You know what? I think we should just end it here. I now have a little tear right here. Thank you very much!
