当前位置 - 股票行情交易網 - 股票交易 - 50張優秀的創意戶外廣告設計


無論品牌、公司和產品,廣告是營銷最重要的部分之壹,。廣告有很多種類型比如網絡廣告,戶外廣告,印刷廣告等等。戶外廣告是廣告的壹種類型。很長壹段時間裏,隨著在線廣告的日益快速增長, 戶外廣告 持續下降。為了克服這種下降趨勢,廣告公司和廣告商不斷的推出各種精彩的創意戶外廣告。戶外廣告的創意和創新方式改變了營銷場景。從而成為壹種有效的營銷方式。總所周知,戶外廣告包括 廣告牌 ,海報,墻漆、通訊等等。現如今,已經出現了巨大的新創造性的戶外廣告。廣告商已經開始制作最好的廣告創意來吸引用戶。在當今快速增長的世界裏,壹個簡單的廣告牌將永遠不能吸引人們的關註,同時也無法推動任何形式的附加價值。因此,讓妳的用戶願意停下來看的廣告效果是最高的。下面為大家展示壹組優秀的戶外 創意廣告 設計,希望能激發妳的創造靈感。

1) Hot Wheels: Big Boy.

2) Baruel: Fish.

3) Vitakraft: Power food for Birds.

4) Formula Toothcare: Bite.

5) Nestle : Kitkat.

6) Bear from John West.

7) Mars Chilled: Tongue.

8) Bad food, Bad Dog. All the vitamins, all the flavor.

9) Arena Swimwear: Predator.

10) Bose noise reduction headphones: Train.

11) Rimmel Quick Dry Nail Polish: Fast.

12) Persil: Flamingo.

13) ESPN: Couch.

14) Tropicana: Billboard powered by oranges.

15) Copenhagen Zoo: Snake Bus.

16) Pepsi: Skiing.

17) Nationwide Insurance: Spilt Paint.

18) Colgate Plax: Eye Mask.

19) Danerolles: Mega Croissant.

20) Unicef / Tap Project: Dirty water.

21) BMW: Checkmate.

22) Lexum European Eye Clinic: Octopus.

23) Dry the River – No Rest: 3D paper-crafted Horses.

23) ASSS: Bring The Billboard To Life.

24) Odis Travel Locks: Airport.

25) Coca-Cola: Straw, Posters.

26) Pothole Season : Stunt.

27) Dairy Milk billboard.

28) TV3: Law & Order Outdoor Lamp.

29) Clear Channel Singapore: Mosquito.

30) Drive Dry: Let’s Date, 1.

31) Adidas: Petr Cech.

32) Alac: Rugby.

33) GM Chevrolet: Fences.

34) Volkswagen: Lake.

35) Newcastle Brown Ale: Shadow Art.

36) Panasonic nose trimmer: Baldy.

37) Adidas: All Day I Dream About Sneakers, Tree.

38) Fiat 500: Penguins.

39) McDonald’s: Pie.

40) Ogawa Ventilating Fan: Smoke.

41) Mitsubishi i-Miev: iMiEV Electric Billboard.

42) Community First Credit Union: Flexible Bus.

43) Nike Shox: Blue.

44) Government of Alberta, Office of Traffic Safety: Bus safety.

45) Strepsils: Man.

46) Unicef: Vaccine.

47) Mammoth Mountain Ski Resort.

48) Yellow Pages: PI.

49) Absolut: Lemon Drop Bus Stop.

50) Baygon : Insect Killer.

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