Jessica Biel傑西卡·貝爾主演過什麽好看的電影
情人節(2010)....Kara Monahan 藍色粉末(2009)....Rose-Johnny Planet 51 (2009) (filming) (voice) .... Neera 放蕩/水性楊花Easy Virtue (2009).....Larita Huntington 釘牢Nailed (2008).....Sammy Joyce Die a Little (2008) (pre-production) .... Alice Steele Hole in the Paper Sky (2008) .... Karen Watkins A Woman of No Importance (2008).....Hester Worsley 我盛大的同誌婚禮 I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (2007) 關鍵下壹秒 / 預見未來 / 天眼救未來Next (2007).....Liz 星條旗永不落 Home of the Brave (2006) 七重天"7th Heaven" .... Mary Camden / ... (157 episodes, 1996-2006) 魔術師 The Illusionist (2006).....Sophie London (2005).....London 絕密飛行/機戰未來 / 智能殺機 Stealth (2005).....Lt. Kara Wade 伊麗莎白鎮 Elizabethtown (2005).....Ellen Kishmore 壹線聲機 Cellular (2004).....Chloe "Family Guy" .... Brooke (1 episode, 2005) 刀鋒戰士3 Blade: Trinity (2004).....Abigail Whistler 德州電鋸殺人狂 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003).....Erin 整蠱總動員 "Punk'd" (2003).....Herself (2 episodes, 2003) 情愛磁場 The Rules of Attraction (2002).....Lara Holleran 夏日捕手 Summer Catch (2001).....Tenley Parrish 壹路闖關過聖誕 I'll Be Home for Christmas (1998).....Allie 養蜂人家 Ulee's Gold (1997).....Casey Jackson It's a Digital World (1994) .... Regrettal