Normal bicycle safety guides usually tell you to wear you helmet(頭盔) and to obey the law in ord.
小題1:It only helps you after you’re hit. 小題2:Ridiculously, most people are already aware that it’s stupid to race through a red light at a crossroads. 小題3: when they wore helmets 小題4: wear a helmet;? follow the law. 小題5:所以很顯然“遵守交通規則”這條建議也不是特別有效。 |
試題分析:本文講述的是人們起自行車要想保證自己不出危險的多個重要的措施和建議,不僅僅是戴頭盔和遵守規則。 小題1: It only helps you after you’re hit. 細節題。根據第二段2,3行Surely, a helmet might help you if you get hit, but you No.1 goal should be to avoid getting hit.可知頭盔只是在發生事故以後才會保護妳。 小題2: Ridiculously, most people are already aware that it’s stupid to race through a red light at a crossroads. 原句表示:幾乎沒有人都在闖紅燈是很危險的。這和第二段中的Ridiculously, most people are already aware that it’s stupid to race through a red light at a crossroads.是近義句。 小題3: when they wore helmets 推理題。根據下壹句However, if they had ridden without helmets, yet followed the guidelines listed below, they might still be alive today.可知如果這些人不僅僅是戴頭盔,而且還服從規則,那麽他們可能還活著。說明前句是指很多人帶著頭盔還是被汽車撞死。 小題4: wear a helmet;? follow the law. 細節題。根據文章第壹段Normal bicycle safety guides usually tell you to wear you helmet(頭盔) and to obey the law in order to avoid being hit on a bike.可知正常人們都知道戴頭盔和遵守規則是保護自己的兩個安全措施。 小題5:所以很顯然“遵守交通規則”這條建議也不是特別有效。 本句是指單純第遵守交通規則也不是很有效。 點評:本文講述的是人們起自行車要想保證自己不出危險的多個重要的措施和建議,不僅僅是戴頭盔和遵守規則。本文考查細節題為主,細節題可以在文章中直接找到與答案有關的信息?或是其變體。搜查信息在閱讀中非常重要它包括理解作者在敘述某事時使用的具體事實、數據、圖表等細節信息。在壹篇短文裏大部分篇幅都屬於這類圍繞主體展開的細節。做這類題壹般采用尋讀法?即先讀題,然後帶著問題快速閱讀短文,找出與問題有關的詞語或句子,再對相關部分進行分析對比,找出答案。 |