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歌曲:《You&I 》

演唱:Aila Gato/Philip Halloun

作詞:Philip Halloun

作曲:Philip Halloun


You and I

We've been floating through this life forever

You and I

We've been walking hand in hand for so long

And now we're falling down

And we've flown so high,Come back around

Just you and I,And I know

Wherever I will go,You're the only one

I would follow anywhere,And I know

Wherever I will go,You're the only one

I'd carry your load,Wherever you go

'Cos I know,That you and I

We're gonna walk a million miles in the rubble

You and I

We're gonna keep getting in and out of trouble

And when you're falling down

I'll take you high,Come back around

Just you and I,And I know

Wherever I will go,You're the only one

I would follow anywhere,And I know

Wherever I will go,You're the only one

I'd carry your load,Wherever you go

'Cos I know

Cos there's a way around the fences

There's a word on the wall

As we sway around the edges

Could it be the angels' call

Or could it be the only one

And I know,Wherever I will go

You're the only one

I would follow anywhere,And I know

Wherever I will go,You're the only one


主題曲《You&I》由金牌制作人周品傾力制作,Philip Halloun作詞作曲並與Aila Gato***同演唱,編曲將弦樂與電子元素巧妙結合,營造出靜謐縹緲的空間感,弦樂與強勁的鼓點交相輝映。

Aila Gato的高音也瞬時迸發,空靈純粹的嗓音與Philip Halloun渾厚的聲線交織,既顯神秘又飽含深情,訴說著人與人之間的深層糾葛,壹高壹低,壹明壹暗,將人性的復雜悉數展現,也將峰回路轉、跌宕起伏的劇情描繪的淋漓盡致。