魯道夫鹿鼻子的英文版是什麽歌? 謝謝……
[00:07.36]Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer 魯道夫,這頭長著紅鼻子的馴鹿
[00:10.97]Had a very shiny nose 有個閃閃發光的漂亮鼻子
[00:14.42]if you ever saw it 如果妳曾有幸目睹
[00:18.06]You would even say it glows 妳甚至會說它在閃爍
[00:21.63]All of the other reindeers 所有其他的馴鹿
[00:25.25]Used to laugh call him names 曾經嘲笑魯道夫,只呼其名
[00:28.81]They never let poor Rudolph 它們從不許魯道夫
[00:32.47]Join in any reindeer games 加入它們任何的遊戲
[00:36.03]Then one foggy Christmas Eve 那是壹個大霧彌漫的聖誕夜
[00:39.74]Santa came to say 聖誕老人降臨了,他說
[00:43.25]Rudolph with your nose so bright 可愛的孩子魯道夫妳長著這麽閃亮的鼻子
[00:46.78]Won t you guide my sleigh to night? 為什麽今晚不來引導我的雪橇
[00:50.44]Then all the reindeers loved him 從那以後所有的馴鹿都羨慕它
[00:54.04]they shouted out with glee 它們興奮地呼喊
[00:57.63]Rudolph the red-nose reindeer 紅鼻子的魯道夫
[01:01.25]You ll go down in history 妳會被載入史冊
[01:04.73]You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, 妳知道Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen
[01:10.38]Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen. Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen.
[01:15.77]But do you recall 但是,妳還記得
[01:19.14]The most famous reindeer of all? 其中最有名的馴鹿
[01:23.36]Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer 魯道夫,這頭長著紅鼻子的馴鹿
[01:26.87]Had a very shiny nose 有個閃閃發光的漂亮鼻子
[01:30.40]if you ever saw it 如果妳曾有幸目睹
[01:34.04]You would even say it glows 妳甚至會說它在閃爍
[01:37.65]All of the other reindeers 所有其他的馴鹿
[01:41.24]Used to laugh call him names 曾經嘲笑魯道夫,只呼其名
[01:44.83]They never let poor Rudolph 它們從不許魯道夫
[01:48.43]Join in any reindeer games 加入它們任何的遊戲
[01:52.03]Then one foggy Christmas Eve 那是壹個大霧彌漫的聖誕夜
[01:55.57]Santa came to say 聖誕老人降臨了,他說
[01:59.21]Rudolph with your nose so bright 可愛的孩子魯道夫妳長著這麽閃亮的鼻子
[02:02.77]Won t you guide my sleigh to night? 為什麽今晚不來引導我的雪橇
[02:06.32]Then all the reindeers loved him 從那以後所有的馴鹿都羨慕它
[02:09.98]they shouted out with glee 它們興奮地呼喊
[02:13.60]Rudolph the red-nose reindeer 紅鼻子的魯道夫
[02:17.16]You ll go down in history 妳會被載入史冊