1)薛國強,李貅2011SR044801瞬變電磁場三維數值計算程序軟件 2)周楠楠,薛國強2011SR045282任意形狀回線源瞬變電磁全區視電阻率正演計算系統 3)薛國強,李貅2011SR037013瞬變電磁微分電導成像系統 4)薛國強,閆述,蘇艷萍2012SR092883地下板狀體TEM響應數值計算可視化軟件 5)薛國強,李貅2011SR04521 任意角度CSAMT正演計算 6)薛國強,李貅2011SR045207瞬變電磁壹維正演計算程序軟件 7)薛國強,楊超 瞬變電磁發射裝置和瞬變電磁發射系統 ZL201220377224(實用新型) 8)薛國強,周楠楠,陳衛營 瞬變電磁探測接收功能主控裝置 ZL201220377322(實用新型) 9)薛國強,閆述,周楠楠,瞬變電磁直接時間域處理方法技術 ZL201110181011(發明專利) 10)薛國強,李貅 壹種礦充水采空區檢測方法 ZL201110363286(發明專利) 11)薛國強,閆述,陳衛營電性源瞬變電磁法全場區探測方法 ZL201110181018(發明專利)
2014 Qinghua Cao,Margaret Richardson Ansah,Jianguo Zang,Guoqiang Xue. Wireless Remote High Temperature Monitoring System for Xinjiang Coal Fire Field. Near-Surface Geophysics and Urbanization, P299-304 Shu Yan,Guoqiang Xue,Weizhong Qiu. Conductor Shield and Prospecting for Water-filled Goaf in Multilayer. Near-Surface Geophysics and Urbanization, P315-319. NanNan Zhou,Guoqiang Xue,He-yuan Wang. Direct Time-domain Solution Transient Electromagnetic Field in Homogeneous Conductive Full Space. Near-Surface Geophysics and Urbanization, P406-411. Weiying Chen,Guoqiang Xue. Effective Skin Depth of whole EM Field Due to a Grounded Wire Source. Near-Surface Geophysics and Urbanization, p412-416 Hai Li,Guoqiang Xue. Sensitivity Analysis of TEM to a Thin Layer. Near-Surface Geophysics and Urbanization, P418-422. G.Q Xue, L.J Gelius. ,P.A Sakyi, N.N.Zhou , W.Y.Chen, B.C.Su,H. Li, H.S. Zhong , and Y.P.Su Discovery of a hidden BIF deposit in Anhui province, China by integrated geological and geophysical investigations,2014 DOI: 10.1016/ j. oregeorev. 05. 0074 Guoqiang Xue, Shu Yan Weiying Chen, Nannan Zhou,Li Hai. Revealing the study on electric-component CSAET method and its application to coal discovery in China JEEG 已錄用,2014年12月發表 Guo-qiang Xue, Nan-Nan Zhou, Wei-ying Chen, Hai Li1, Shu Yan.2014. Research on the Application of a 3-m Transmitter Loop for TEM Survey in Mountainous Areas , Journal of Environmental and Engineering geophysics (JEEG) , JEEG 2014, 19(1), p.3-12 XUE Guo-Qiang, WANG He-Yuan, YAN Shu, ZHOU Nan-Nan. Time-domain Green function solution for transient electromagnetic field. Chinese Journal Geophysics, 2014, 57(2): 671-678 2013-2010 XUE Guo-qiang, CHEN Wei-ying, ZHOU Nan-nan Li Hai and Zhong Hua-sen, Understanding of grounded-wire TEM soundingwith near-source configuration. J Geophys Remote Sensing, accepted Guo-Qiang X, Wei-Ying C, Nan-Nan Z, Hai L, Hua-Sen Z (2013) Understanding ofGrounded-Wire TEM Sounding with Near-Source Configuration. J Geophys RemoteSensing 2:113. doi:10.4172/2169-0049.1000113 Guo-qiang Xue, Nan-Nan Zhou, Wei-ying Chen, Hai Li, Shu Yan Research on the Application of a 3-m Transmitter Loop for TEM Survey in Mountainous Areas JEEG 2013 , accepted G.Q. Xue, J.L.Cheng, N.N.Zhou, H.Li.2013. Detection and Monitoring of Coal water-filled Mined-out Voids Using Transient Electromagnetic Method - A Case Study in Shanxi, China Enviromental Earth Sciences doi:10.1007/s12665-013-2375-2(SCI) G.Q. Xue, J.L.Cheng, N.N.Zhou, H.Li Detection and Monitoring of Coal water-filled Mined-out Voids Using Transient Electromagnetic Method - A Case Study in Shanxi, China Enviromental Earth Sciences doi:10.1007/s12665-013-2375-2 Zhou N N, Xue G Q. 2014. The ratio apparent resistivity definition of rectangular-loop TEM. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 103(2014):152-160 (SCI) . Zhou Nan-nan, Xue Guo-qiang, Wang He-yuan. Comparison of the time-domain electromagnetic field from an infinitesimal point charge and dipole source. Applied Geophysics, 2013,10(3):349-356(SCI). G.Q. Xue, Gelius, L.Xiu 3-D Pseudo-seismic Imaging of TEM data– a Feasibility Study. Geophysical Prospecting, 2013, 61(S1), : 561–571doi:10.1111/j.1365-2478.2012. 01109. G.Q.Xue X.Li 2012 Physical Simulation and Application of a New TEM Configuration, Enviromental Earth Sciences (2012) 67:1291–1298.DOI: 10.1007/s12665-012-1572-8 G. Q. Xue, K.Z.Qin, X.Li ,G.M.Li,.Z.P Qi ,N.N.Zhou. 2012. Discovery of the Large-scale Porphyry Molybednum Deposit in Tibet through Modified TEM Exploration Method, Journal of Enviromental and Engineering geophysics (JEEG) , 17(1) 19-25 G.Q.Xue, C.Y. Bai and S.Yan 2012. Deep sounding TEM investigation method based on a modified fixed central-loop system, Journal of Applied Geophysics 76(2012)23-32 G.Q. Xue, C.Y BAI, and X. LI,2012.Extracting Virtual Reflection Wave From TEM data Based on Regularizing Method,pure and applied geophysics,69 (7) 1269-1282. DOI 10.1007/s00024-011-0392-1 B.Guo, G.Q. Xue , X. Li , Y.A Liu. 2012.Correlation analysis and imaging technique of TEM data.Exploration Geophysics.43:137-148, doi:org/10. 1071/EG11034 Xue GQ, Zhou NN .2012. Transient Electromagnetic Method and Its Applications in China. J Geophys Remote Sensing 1:e106. doi:10.4172/2169-0049.1000e106 Xue GQ. 2012. Control-source Electromagnetic Exploration and Open Access Journals. J Geophys Remote Sensing 1:e102. doi: 10. 4172 / jgrs. 1000e102 Guo-Qiang Xue. 2012. Open Access Journals of Geo-science for Electrical and Electromagnetic Exploration Journal of Geology & geoscience. doi. org/10.4172 /jgg.1000e106 G. Q. Xue, Y. J. Yan and X. LI,2011 Control of Wave-Form Dispersion Effect and Applications in TEM Imaging Technique for Identifying Underground Objects, journal of geophysics and engineering, (JGE) 8 (2011 03) 195–201 G. Q. Xue · Y. J. Yan · J. L. Cheng, 2011, Researches on detection of 3-D underground cave basedon TEM technique. Environ Earth Sci (2011) 64:425–430 Zhou Nan-nan, Xue Guo-qiang Li Xiu. An Optimized Method for Transient Electromagnetic Field. Applied Informatics and Communication Communications in Computer and Information Science ,225, 2011, pp 82-87 (EI) ,DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-23220-6_10 G. Q. Xue, E.A Elzein ,S.Yan,W.Y.chen, N.N.Zhou 2011 Effect and application of CSAMT single components, Australian journal of basic and applied sciences 5(7):833-842 G. Q. Xue, E. A. Elzein Mohammed, W. B. Guo,The Response of Large-loop Transient Electromagnetic Method,university Africa journal of science (U.A.J.S., Vol.1, 18-31.) Guo Wenbo, Xue Guoqiang, 2010 study and application of the multiple small-aperture TEM system, DECEMBER PREVIEW 17-22. Guo wenbo,Xue guoqiang,Li xiu.Inversion of TEM Conductive Thin Layer Based on Genetic Algorithm. The 3rd Iinternational Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Application.Wuhan City Chinese.December4-5,2010(PACIIA2010). IEEE Press.IEEE Catalog Number:CFP1048F-PRT.ISBN:978-1-4244-9945-8. P454-458 XUE Guo-Qiang, CHEN Wei-Ying, ZHOU Nan-Nan, LI Hai. Short-offset TEM technique with a grounded wire source for deep sounding. Chinese Journal Geophysics, 2013, 56(1): 255-261 Li Xiu, XUE Guo-Qiang, LIU Yin-Ai, QIAN Jian-Bing. A research on TEM imaging method based on synthetic-aperture technology. Chinese journal of Geophysics, 2012, 55(1): 333-340 XUE Guo-Qiang, YAN Shu, ZHOU Nan-Nan. Theoretical study on the errors caused by dipole hypothesis of large-loop TEM response. Chinese journal of geophysics, 2011, 54(9): 2389-2396 XUE Guo-Qiang, LI Xiu, QI Zhi-Peng, FAN Tao, ZHOU Nan-Nan. Study of sharpen the wave-form of TEM pseudo-seismic. Chinese journal of Geophysics, 2011, 54(5): 1384-1390 LI Xiu, QI Zhi-Peng, XUE Guo-Qiang, FAN Tao, ZHU Hong-Wei. Three dimensional curved surface continuation image based on TEM pseudo wave-field. Chinese journal of Geophysics , 2010, 53(12): 3005-3011 2009-2006 Guo wenbo,Xue guoqiang,Li xiu. TEM S-inversion in Tunnel prediction. 2009年10月美國休斯頓第79屆SEG年會. G. Q. Xue, Y. J. Yan,X.Li, Pseudo-Seismic Wavelet Transformation of transient electromagnetic Response in geophysical exploration, Geophysical research letters. 2007, Vol. 34, L16405, doi:10.1029/2007GL031116, G. Q. Xue, Y. J. Yan,X.Li, Q.Y.Di Transient Electromagnetic S-inversion in Tunnelprediction , Geophysical research letters 2007, Vol. 34, L18403, doi:10.1029/2007GL031080, XUE Guo-Qiang;LI Xiu. The technology of TEM tunnel prediction imaging. Chinese journal of Geophysics , 2008, 51(3): 894-900 GUO Wen?Bo;SONG Jian?Ping;LI Xiu;XUE Guo?Qiang;FAN Jin?Sheng. Numerical calculation of borehole electrical survey in layered media and its applications. Progress in Geophysics, 2006, 49(5): 1561-1566. GUO Wen?BoLI XiuXUE Guo?Qiang SONG Jian?PingGU Lin?Sheng. A study of the interpretation system for TEM tomography. Progress in Geophysics, 2005, 48(6): 1400-1405 2002-2005 Li xiu, Xue guoqiang, Song jianping,Guo wenbo, Wu junjie, Sheng meifang. Conductive Sheet Inversion of TEM Data Using an Genetic Algorithm in the Feasible Region of Adaptive Shrinkage. Applied Geophysics.2005, 2(4) Xue Guoqiang, Song Jianping, Lixiu. Calculate the Feature Parameter of TEM Imaging to Subsurface. 計算物理國際會議2004,5 Xue Guoqiang, Song Jianping, Quan Hongjuan, Yan Shu. Mathematical And Physical Analysis Of Transient Electromagnetic Method Detecting Underground Cave. 中國國際電磁會議 Xue Guoqiang, Song Jianping, Yanshu. Detecting The Cavity with one of Non-seismic Methods, TLE 04 25(EI已檢索ISSN:1070-485X CODEN:LEEDFF) XueGuoqiang, SongJianping, LiXiu. Imaging The Electrical Interface of TEM by The Feature Parameter of Reflection Coefficient.CT理論與應用研究, 2002,11(4):39-42 LI Xiu XUE Guo Qiang SONG Jian?PingGUO Wen?Bo WU Jun?Jie. An optimize method for transient electromagnetic field?wave field conversion. Progress in Geophysics, 2005, 48(5): 1185-1190. XUE Guo Qiang LI Xiu SONG Jian?Ping GUO Wen?Bo. Theoretical analysis and numerical calculation of loop source transient electromagnetic imaging. Progress in Geophysics, 2004, 47(2): 338-343.