ugent! 857 2899 1818
thanks LI i really want to sell one tomorrow, to let me feel save, if i did sell one out tomorrow, which one should i buy back? 2628 or 1088 or 1919 ?
,you must be crazy! why "high chase"?857, you should wait for it to go up to $20 again
If you sell now, you'll loose your money
2007-10-16 20:17:18 補充:
you should not sell anything in my opinion
2007-10-16 21:48:29 補充:
2899 due to higher P/E paring with the other mining stocks1818 has better P/E, higher NAVYou should buy it (2899) again at $9 - $10 if the metals & mining outlook is good at that timeFor now, I would look into the property sector and invest your money into it.,嘩, 妳全部高位追貨, 美市又跌, 小心明天又調整, 睇位放羅, 夥人都唔想蝕錢.