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I started to learn English since i was in primary school, it give me a big impression when I pronounce with the phonetic notation,sometimes I also watch america movie and try my best to learn their pronounsation.

答‘是的,我比較喜歡搖滾音樂,但更喜歡帶有亞洲風味的歌曲,比如說 The Day You Went Away

Yes, and I like rockand roll music but compare to music that have Asian flavor, I prefer the second one, for an example, THe Day You Went Away.


I have many dreams, but now I wanted to be a translator, and my goal is to achieve the level which I can simultaneously translate.


It's in my highschool cultural festival, our class is acting 123 and I am the 555, this give me a good memory in my highschool live.


I like to watch America singing show, movie and movie series, this give me chance to learn English as when I am watching movie, there are subtitles on it, so, I kept learning the pronounsation while I am watching and I try to imitate how the acter talk.

答‘演越獄裏面叫Michael Scofield的男主角Wentworth Miller


The hero Michael Scofield in the movie____, Wentworth Miller. He always keep himself calm and he is wise, he has a never give up characteristic, he can fight for his goal and this spirit is what I worth to learn.


I want to achieve my ambition, I want to be someone that can help others and become a useful person.