五糧液 Finn 劍南春 Jiannanchun 五糧醇 Technology of alcohol 帝王津酒 Emperors tincture 唐太宗酒 Tang Taizong liquor 金土地 The land 貴州液 Liquid Guizhou 白頭到老酒 Married to wine 花津Flower - 五星青酒Green five-star wine 四星金九九Four weeks of the September 9 青島啤酒 Qingdao Beer 零點啤酒0.1 beer 百威啤酒 Budweiser 可樂Clonidine 雪碧Sprite 小鮮橙多Among the small number of 果粒橙Berry orange 王朝幹紅Dynasty Claret 王朝幹白Dynasty Dry White 礦泉水 Mineral water