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Magic happens if you believe in yourself. In this storybook, Barbie leaves behind her acting career and her ex-boyfriend Ken to travel to Paris and help her Aunt Millie. Millie runs a fashion design house that has received bad reviews and is about to close up shop for good. Barbie and Millie's assistant, Alecia, enlist the help of some magical fashion fairy-muses to hold a fashion show of Alecia's new designs. Before the designs are complete, the fairies are kidnapped, and Barbie, Alecia, and Millie must complete the show on their own. By working hard and believing in themselves, the show is a success and Millie's business is saved.

中文簡體: 如果妳相信自己,魔法會發生。在這部電影中,芭比離開她的演藝生涯和她的前男友肯去巴黎幫助她的姨媽米莉。米莉經營了壹個時尚設計家,這家已經受到了壞評,即將關閉的商店的好。芭比和米莉的助手,南國,得到了神奇的時尚精靈的繆斯舉辦的南國的新設計的時裝秀的幫助。在設計完成之前,精靈們被綁架了,芭比,南國,和米莉必須自己完成這場秀。通過努力工作,相信自己,這是壹個成功的秀,米莉的生意被保存。