德國 天鵝堡的英文簡介
新天鵝城堡(Neuschwanstein Castle)又名“白雪公主城堡”,是座白墻藍頂的神話城堡,坐落於於德國Fussen小鎮上,在阿爾卑斯山脈中,始建1869年。城堡的建造非常具有戲劇性。 Standing in sharp contrast to the bustling metropolises of Germany, Fussen Germany is a remarkable town nestled at the foot of the Bavarian Alps. Despite the town's comparatively small size--14,357--Fussen tourism is quite strong because of its amazing vistas and the remarkable historic attractions nearby. Two historic castles are also located nearby--Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein Fussen Germany. 最初它是由巴伐利亞國王路德維希 二世(King Ludwig II of Bavaria)的夢想所設計,國王是藝術的愛好者,壹生受著瓦格納歌劇的影響,他構想了那傳說中曾是白雪公主居住的地方。他邀請劇院畫家和舞臺布置者繪制了建築草圖,夢幻的氣氛、無數的天鵝圖畫,加上圍繞城堡四周的湖泊,沈沈的湖水,美得如詩如畫,宛如人間仙境,是德國的象征之壹,被德國人引為驕傲。 Schloss Neuschwanstein ("New Swan Stone Castle") is one of the most beautiful and famous castles in Germany. Originally ordered to be built by King Ludwig II, this fairy tale castle is the epitome of neo-romantic style. The famous German castle overlooks the picturesque Hohenschwangau valley and is located only a short distance from the popular tourist town, Fussen. 菩提行宮的維納斯洞室是人造景點,卻仿以天然。路易二世常在這個夢樣的空間裏欣常華格納的歌劇。 世界上沒有壹個國家像德國那樣擁有如此眾多的城堡,據說目前仍有14000個。從奧格斯堡到富森,光是坐火車壹路的風景都會讓遐思神往。這猶如人間仙境的地方藏著有關魔法、國王,騎士的古老的民間傳說,還有那無邊原始的森林、柔嫩的山坡、無邊的綠野上漫步著成群的牛羊,積雪終年的阿爾卑斯山和無盡寬闊的大湖。 The Romantic Road--a road that runs across the countryside and features beautiful old walled towns, gorgeous meadows, and picturesque villages--comes to its end in Fussen, and what an end it is. Looking out upon the hills and mountains of Germany is breathtaking, and you haven't even seen the castles yet. 新天鵝堡中美輪美奐的“歌者大堂”,就像壹個中古宴會廳。裏面有大量德國天鵝雕塑,仿佛壹個童話般的世界城堡。由於白色城堡聳立在高高的山上,其四周環山和湖泊。所以壹年四季,風光各異。 Click here for virtual tour The second castle is perhaps the more famous of the two: New Swan Stone Castle, or Neuschwanstein Fussen Germany. With its spiraling towers and brilliant walls, this castle looks like it was brought straight out of a fairytale. Beauty and elegance intertwine to create a breathtaking treat for the eyes. Ludwig II originally ordered construction on the great building in 1869, but it was never completely finished. The King was a tremendous fan of Richard Wagner and the castle was named after the Swan Knight in Wagner's opera. Ludwig's love of the composer is quite evident as you walk through Neuschwanstein's luxurious passageways--many paintings hang on the walls that depict scenes from Wagner's operas. The best view of this enchanting castle, and the waterfall, is from the nearby Mary's Bridge. Be sure to bring your camera, because your friends will be astounded by the pictures of Neuschwanstein Fussen Germany. 它是真實的童話----新天鵝城堡。藍天白雲下,霧海繚繞中,乳白色的外墻輝映著金色的陽光,灰色的尖頂直刺蒼穹。青山翠谷,層巒疊嶂中,童話像夢境般不染凡間煙火,又像絲綢般有觸手可及的動心。 它的美麗是羅曼蒂克的,是有靈性的,像晨霧壹樣漂浮在眼前,伸手可及,卻又抓不住;像仙界的音樂,飄飄然地飛在半空中,余韻從指縫中穿過不知去向;那種美麗是到人間散心的仙女,玩壹會就走,留是留不住的,只在虛無縹緲間若隱若現。 遊人可以在山麓乘坐馬車上山也可以徒步欣賞那壹路奇花異草上山。去探訪這座充滿傳奇的城堡。只見城堡建於三面絕壁的山峰上,背靠阿爾卑斯山脈,下臨壹片廣闊的大湖背靠,顯得尤為神聖而莊嚴,全高約70米。城堡四角為圓柱形尖頂,上面設有瞭望塔.新天鵝宮內部裝飾極為豪華,有彩色大理石地面的舞廳,金碧輝煌的大殿,有名貴的古董、珠寶和藝術品,還在那裏靜靜的等待那國王的夢想和永遠不能上演的瓦格納的舞臺劇。 遠眺新天鵝城堡令人有壹種夢境般的感覺——高低錯落的塔尖在風動的樹林中時掩時現,仿佛有人聲在浮動。新天鵝城堡坐落在群山環抱之中,矗立在石山高原上,背壹面清澈透明的湖水,鳥瞰四周緩緩起伏的樹林,幽靜的自然景色與新天鵝堡夢境般的外貌相互輝映。 僅供參考