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《妳眼中悲傷的我》英文歌名是《A Sad Me In Your Eyes》。

《A Sad Me In Your Eyes》是昨夜派對演唱的歌曲,是電視劇 《如此可愛的我們》插曲。歌詞內容如下:

Fire can't burn in my eyes

If without your smile

Snow can cover your smile

If without your love

When you?think of me,?I've gone too far

I can't reach into your heart

And I know that

When I?looking back

I am torn in two

I might break like glass

Will this be the last

Why?do i see a sad

A sad me in your eyes

Why do I see a sad

A sad me in your eyes

Why?do I see a sad

A sad me in your eyes

Why do I see a sad

Hanging on a death


When you?think of me,?I've gone too far

I can't reach into your heart

And i know that

When i?looking back

I am torn in two

I might break like glass

Will this be the last

Why?do i see a sad

A sad me in your eyes

Why do i see a sad

A sad me in your eyes

Why do i see a sad

A sad me in your eyes

Why do i see a sad

Hanging on a death

As memories start to flood my mind

I know I was brave in love

There is no regret

Why?do i see a sad


《A Sad Me In Your Eyes》原唱歌手介紹



桃子是歌手兼制作人 ,從無土栽培到電信基站,再到幼兒教育與爵士音樂均有涉獵。 先後做過助理,幼師,P.M(職業經理人),項目經理,策劃人,獨立音樂人等,2012年誤打誤撞進入音樂圈後潛心鉆研爵士樂,2018年以全新姿態重新回歸音樂圈。