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bed sheet。

例句:1、如果妳有壹張皮革沙發,請用壹張白色的床單罩住它。If you have a leather sofa, cover it with a white bed sheet.

2、絲綢床單乃是極度的奢侈品。Silk sheets are the ultimate luxury.

3、灰色的床單在晾衣繩上飄動。Grey sheets flapped on the clothes line.

4、女仆每個星期換壹次床單。Once a week, a maid changes the sheets.

5、他的頭上纏滿了許多用床單撕成的繃帶。His head was swathed in bandages made from a torn sheet.

6、她手壹揮把那些床單扔了回來。With one sweep of her hand she threw back the sheets.