当前位置 - 股票行情交易網 - 國際漫評 - 女囚鎖連環的內容簡介


無実の罪で15年の刑を言い渡されたナミ(小阪由佳)。収監された“幽獄刑務所”は、看守長相原(佐藤裕)の黒い欲望が渦巻く女たちには地獄の場所であった。リンチ裏切りレイプ次々と襲いくる罠から、果たしてナミは抜け出せるのか!?トップアイドル小阪由佳が挑む、これが“女囚モノ”の決定版!! In Japan's toughest maximum-security female prison, the inmates outnumber the guards by 100 to one, and if Prisoner 42 hopes to survive her sentence she needs to stay clear of the vicious guards and the even more dangerous prisoners. This facility was designed just to hold the country's most ruthless criminals, and the population is ready to explode into a riot at any minute in this thriller set inside the rarely-seen Japanese penal system.