[Serving Victor his dinner]
Hilary 'Hil: Dinner.
Victor 'Vic: Thanks.
Hilary 'Hil: Eggs.
Victor 'Vic: Thank you.
Hilary 'Hil: That's all this redhead could find. There's no real food in the house. Unless you want a Twinkie omelet.
Victor 'Vic: Ha! Twinkie omelet.
Shauna: So how much is he paying you?
Hilary 'Hil: 400 big ones.
Shauna: Fuck me!... Not you.
Malachi: And may I assume from the intense odor of mayonnaise you'll be dining in tonight?
Victor Geddes: Uh, actually, no, we're going out, right, honey?
Hilary O'Neil: Sure.
Victor Geddes: We're going out.
Hilary: Because I love you. And if you come back with me to the hospital and fight for us. Fight for us, I will never leave you Victor. But you have to fight. And if you get well, when you get well, I'll be there with you. And if you die, I will hold your hand. I'll hold your hand and the last thing you will ever see will be me because I love you.
Victor Geddes: [to Hilary] Call me insane, but I'd venture a guess that Gordon would like to warm you up in any way possible.
Victor Geddes: My mother said, You don't have to like everything, but you have to try everything.
Hilary O'Neil: Oh, my mother always said, Pass the Velveeta.
Hilary O'Neil: What is it?
Victor Geddes: Raw cow... dead.
Hilary O'Neil: What if I throw up?
Victor Geddes: Then I'll take care of you.
Hilary O'Neil: I told Estelle you have a terminal disease.
Victor Geddes: What?
Hilary O'Neil: Assholeitis.
-taken from imdb by Lauren.