首先,我們通過文章可以了解到,該篇閱讀的主要內容與之前四級考試所關註的閱讀文章的`主題類似,也是關於科技話題的。在這篇文章中,作者主要闡釋了矽谷之所以成為矽谷的不可替代和復制性。主要原因為:(1)rich people;(2)nerds。是這兩個原因成就了矽谷。文章中,作者拿矽谷和邁阿密、康奈爾及波士頓進行了對比,總結得出:其他的三個城市之所以不能成為矽谷第二的原因。
第56題,what do we learn about Silicon Valley from the passage? 這道題目直接可以定位到文中的第壹段中:Could you please reproduce Silicon Valley elsewhere, or is there something unique about it? 然後在下文中,作者又進壹步的指出了矽谷不可代替性的原因。所以答案選項為:Its success is hard to copy anywhere else
第57題,what makes Miami unfit to produce a Silicon Valley? 這道題目可以定位到原文中的第五段,文中直接指出:it has few nerds。 It is not the kind of place nerds like。 這樣就可以直接選出:Lack of the right kind of talents。
第58題,In what way is Carnegie-Mellon different from Stanford, Berkeley and MIT? 根據題幹信息,我們可以直接定位到文中的第六和七段:the weather is terrible, particular in winter, and there ?s no interesting old city to make up for it, as there is in Boston。 所以選項很明了:Its location is not as attractive to rich people
第59題,what does the author imply about Boston? 這道題的關鍵就在於the weather is terrible, particular in winter, and there ?s no interesting old city to make up for it, as there is in Boston中的as壹詞,這裏as 後引導的是 there is no interesting old city to make up for it in Boston。所以正確選項為:what does the author59.It is not likely to attract lots of investors and nerds
say about startup investors? 這道題在文中定位到最後壹段:startup investors are a distinct 。。。。。。as well as money。 這樣該題正確選項為:They can do more than providing money