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出生日期: 1972年 5月2日 出生地點: 加利福尼亞州海華德 地區: 美國 身高: 192 厘米 別名昵稱: Dwayne Douglas Johnson(譯名),巨石·強森(譯名)道恩·強森, 1972年5月2日生於美國加州的海華德,父親是著名摔角健將洛奇·約翰遜,爺爺彼得·麥維亞也是摔角界的傳奇人物。耳聞目染之下,從小即掌握了壹些極佳的摔角技巧。於萬邁阿密大學(University of Miami)讀書時,曾是校橄欖球隊壹名優秀的後衛。不久因傷離開球隊。轉而向摔角界發展,26歲開始參加世界職業摔角聯盟,成為最年輕的世界摔角冠軍。至今已頭頂世界職業摔角聯盟六屆冠軍頭銜,被譽為“人民冠軍”稱號,成為現代體壇的偶像級巨星。1995年獲得刑事學學位,1997年5月與丹尼·加西亞結婚。 1999年巨石開始應邀在影視劇中露面,2001年以票房大片《木乃伊歸來》廣受好評,隨後推出為他度身定造的神怪大片《蠍子王》。2004年小成本制作片《威震八方》更是只憑他個人魅力首周上映就取得了亞軍的成績。 巖石·強森曾是芝加哥摔跤冠軍,所以並不會因為肌肉發達而變得行動笨拙,也無須象史泰龍、施瓦辛格壹樣必須借助重武器才能襯托出個人的“靈活性”,在《叢林奇兵》、《威震八方》兩部影片中,主人公最為信賴的並非槍械而是自己的拳頭和木棒。和前輩史泰龍、施瓦辛格壹樣,巖石·強森對自己的體能極端自信,面對敵手時的冷言冷語或者即興幽默也與前人壹般無二,加上個性化的堅硬表情和敏捷身手,壹個新時代的動作巨星終於誕生了!那些虎虎生風的搏鬥場面印證了壹個時代的開始:巖石的時代!他甚至誇張到聲稱不必用槍,在置身槍林彈雨時他也真的這樣做了,最後就象李小龍忍無可忍之後的爆發,他終於拿起槍來的時刻絕對能在影院引起壹片驚呼,開槍動作,竟也是酷到極點! 2007年好萊塢巨星、美國摔角大王巨石強森(The Rock)與妻子丹尼·加西亞壹同宣布,他們將友好離婚,17年婚姻走到盡頭。 兩人通過美國知名雜誌《人物》對外發表了壹份聲明。但即使是分手,這份聲明也顯得深情款款:“我們確信我們之間的關系已經發生了變化,但我們永遠都是對方生命中最重要的那個人;17年的婚姻已經足夠美滿和幸福,這是上天的恩賜;余下的日子裏,我們要***同努力讓孩子們過得幸福,我們將永遠是朋友、生意上的夥伴。”


(壹*** 143 個電影作品) 作為演員巖石/巨石強森/德威恩·約翰遜The Rock的電影作品(數量:143) 速度與激情5/The Fast and the Furious V-------(2011) 極速復仇-------(2010) 巫山歷險記/Race to Witch Mountain-------(2009) Shazam! ------- (2009) 糊塗偵探/特務行不行 Get Smart ------- (2008) 第80屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮 The 80th Annual Academy Awards ------- (2008) Elvis: Viva Las Vegas ------- (2007) 邁阿密風雲/差佬911/雷諾911 Reno 911!: Miami ------- (2007) 超級杯奶爸/比賽計劃 The Game Plan ------- (2007) Doom Nation ------- (2006) Basic Training ------- (2006) "Space Top 10 Countdown" Video Game Movies ------- (2006) 南方傳奇/南方傳說 Southland Tales ------- (2006) Rock Formation ------- (2006) 重振球風/巨石強森 Gridiron Gang ------- (2006) Master Monster Makers ------- (2006) 壹酷到底/斃酷/矮子當道2/黑道當家2/黑道比酷 Be Cool ------- (2005) WWE Armageddon ------- (2005) Reel Comedy: Be Cool ------- (2005) The Battle of Eshu and Iku ------- (2005) Polynesian Power ------- (2005) 毀滅戰士 Doom ------- (2005) Tombstone: The History of the Undertaker ------- (2005) ESPY Awards ------- (2005) 2004 MTV Movie Awards ------- (2004) The Rundown: Uncensored ------- (2004) Hard Knocks: The Chris Benoit Story ------- (2004) 威震八方 Walking Tall ------- (2004) The Rundown: Walken's World ------- (2004) Rated 'R': Republicans in Hollywood ------- (2004) Fight the Good Fight ------- (2004) 世界摔角二十周年大賽 WWE Wrestlemania XX ------- (2004) The Rundown: Appetite for Destruction ------- (2004) The Monday Night War: WWE Raw vs. WCW Nitro ------- (2004) WWE $250,000 Raw Diva Search ------- (2004) Mick Foley's Greatest Hits & Misses: A Life in Wrestling ------- (2004) The Rundown: Rumble in the Jungle ------- (2004) "Mondo Thingo" ------- (2004) The Rundown: Running Down the Town ------- (2004) Academy of Country Music Awards ------- (2004) Saturday Night Live: The Best of Tracy Morgan ------- (2004) 2004 Taurus World Stunt Awards ------- (2004) Academy of Country Music Pre-Show ------- (2004) The Rundown: The Amazon, Hawaii Style ------- (2004) MTV Movie Awards 2004 Pre-Show ------- (2004) 叢林奇兵/追戰時刻/浴血叢林 The Rundown ------- (2003) The GQ Men of the Year Awards ------- (2003) Wrestlemania XIX ------- (2003) 2003 ABC World Stunt Awards ------- (2003) WWE: Brock Lesnar: Here Comes the Pain ------- (2003) WWE No Way Out ------- (2003) "Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show" ------- (2003) WWE Backlash ------- (2003) The Teen Choice Awards 2003 ------- (2003) Iron and Beyond ------- (2002) Summerslam ------- (2002) WWE Global Warning Tour: Melbourne ------- (2002) The Teen Choice Awards 2002 ------- (2002) 蠍子王/魔蠍大帝 The Scorpion King ------- (2002) Working with Animals: 'The Scorpion King' ------- (2002) "WWE Velocity" ------- (2002) The Rock: Just Bring It ------- (2002) Wrestlemania X-8 ------- (2002) King of the Ring ------- (2002) The Rock and Michael Clarke Duncan: 'The Scorpion King' ------- (2002) WWE Vengeance ------- (2002) 33rd NAACP Image Awards ------- (2002) Essence Awards ------- (2002) WWF No Way Out ------- (2002) Royal Rumble ------- (2002) Hollywood Hulk Hogan: Hulk Still Rules ------- (2002) Lita: It Just Feels Right ------- (2001) WWF Unforgiven ------- (2001) WWF No Mercy ------- (2001) The Teen Choice Awards 2001 ------- (2001) 奪命枕邊人 My Husband My Killer ------- (2001) Summerslam ------- (2001) 2001 MTV Movie Awards ------- (2001) WWF Rebellion ------- (2001) Wrestlemania X-Seven ------- (2001) WWF No Way Out ------- (2001) WWF Vengeance ------- (2001) Royal Rumble ------- (2001) Spotlight on Location: The Mummy Returns ------- (2001) Survivor Series ------- (2001) 盜墓迷城2/木乃伊歸來:盜墓謎城/神鬼傳奇2 The Mummy Returns ------- (2001) WWF Backlash ------- (2000) No Way Out ------- (2000) WWF Armageddon ------- (2000) Longshot ------- (2000) Mick Foley: Hard Knocks and Cheap Pops ------- (2000) WWF No Mercy ------- (2000) MTV Video Music Awards 2000 ------- (2000) Survivor Series ------- (2000) Wrestlemania 2000 ------- (2000) WWF Insurrextion ------- (2000) Fully Loaded ------- (2000) WWF Rebellion ------- (2000) King of the Ring ------- (2000) WWF Unforgiven ------- (2000) Royal Rumble ------- (2000) WWF Judgment Day ------- (2000) Summerslam ------- (2000) Royal Rumble ------- (1999) Armageddon ------- (1999) WWF Over the Edge ------- (1999) Beyond the Mat ------- (1999) WWF Backlash ------- (1999) Fully Loaded ------- (1999) WWF No Mercy ------- (1999) "WWF Smackdown!" ------- (1999) King of the Ring ------- (1999) WWF Rebellion ------- (1999) Wrestlemania XV ------- (1999) WWF Unforgiven ------- (1999) Summerslam ------- (1999) WWF St. Valentine's Day Massacre ------- (1999) "Biography" The Life and Death of Owen Hart ------- (1999) Survivor Series ------- (1999) Fully Loaded ------- (1998) WWF Over the Edge ------- (1998) WWF Mayhem in Manchester ------- (1998) WWF Judgment Day ------- (1998) WWF Capital Carnage ------- (1998) WWF Breakdown: In Your House ------- (1998) Wrestlemania XIV ------- (1998) No Way Out ------- (1998) WWF Unforgiven ------- (1998) Royal Rumble ------- (1998) King of the Ring ------- (1998) WWF Rock Bottom: In Your House ------- (1998) WWF in Your House: D-Generation-X ------- (1997) WWF in Your House: Badd Blood ------- (1997) Wrestlemania 13 ------- (1997) WWF in Your House: A Cold Day in Hell ------- (1997) Survivor Series ------- (1997) Royal Rumble ------- (1997) WWF Slammy Awards 1997 ------- (1997) WWF in Your House: Revenge of the Taker ------- (1997) WWF in Your House: Final Four ------- (1997) WWF in Your House: It's Time ------- (1996) Survivor Series ------- (1996) The Universal Story ------- (1995) 作為編劇巖石/巨石強森/德威恩·約翰遜 The Rock的電影作品(數量:1) "Space Top 10 Countdown" Video Game Movies ------- (2006)