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溫泉關戰役是第二次波希戰爭中的壹次著名戰役。 前480年,波斯入侵希臘。斯巴達國王列奧尼達壹世以其本國精兵300人及700名底比斯人在 溫泉關抵擋了數量上遠遠超過他們的波斯軍隊長達三天。列奧尼達的軍隊擋住了當時認為唯壹能通往希臘的通道,使得波斯軍隊在頭兩天不得寸進,並且死傷慘重。但在第三天,壹個希臘當地的居民背叛希臘陣營,帶領波斯軍隊沿著山區的小徑繞到希臘聯軍的後方,見此列奧尼達解散了希臘聯軍,留下300名斯巴達精兵與700名底比斯誌願軍,雖然這代表了他們必死無疑,他們仍然死守他們的位置,並且保護其他正在撤退中的希臘部隊,波斯軍隊雖然最後成功的占領溫泉關,但是承受了的極大的損失。 斯巴達率領的部隊在溫泉關勇猛的抵抗,給雅典的海軍提供了寶貴的時間,使得在接下來海戰中雅典能夠獲勝。雅典摧毀了大量的波斯船艦。失去了海軍,波斯無法為他的陸軍提供補給,這給波斯軍隊帶來了致命的影響。薛西斯壹世退回亞洲,留下了指揮官馬鐸尼斯(Mardonius),與大量的波斯軍隊,繼續在他們已經占領的領土與希臘軍隊作戰。最後在Plataea,希臘聯軍擊潰了馬鐸尼斯(Mardonius),為波希戰爭劃上句號。從此波斯再也無力入侵希臘。 據說當時只找到298具斯巴達戰士的屍體,另外兩人沒有參加戰鬥跑回斯巴達。這兩人遭到斯巴達人的鄙視。壹人因為受不了家鄉人的歧視,後來自殺;另壹人則再次上戰場,戰死沙場。

In the Battle of Thermopylae of 480 BC an alliance of Greek city-states fought the invading Persian army in the mountain pass of Thermopylae. Vastly outnumbered

the Greeks held back the enemy in one of the most famous last stands of history. Persian King Xerxes lead a Army of well over 100

000 (Persian king Xerxes before war has about 170

000 army) men to Greece and was confronted by 300 Spart

700 Thespi and other Slave soldiers. Xerxes waited for 10 days for King Leonidas to surrender or withdraw left with no options he moved. The battle lasted for about 3 days and after which all 300 Spart were killed. The Spartan defeat was not the one expected as a local shepherd named Ephialtes defected to the Persi and informed Xerxes of a separate path through Thermopylae

which the Persi could use to outflank the Greeks. 這是電影戰狼300的簡介

參考: imdb/title/tt0416449/plotsummary