当前位置 - 股票行情交易網 - 文娛動態 - 紅河谷是誰唱的?


紅河谷》是壹首在加拿大平原地區廣泛傳唱的民歌,並且在美國也同樣流行。根據加拿大民俗學家Edith Fowke的考證,這首歌產生於1870年紅河起義(The Red River Rebellion)的歷史背景下。那個時期,居住在曼尼托巴省紅河谷流域的梅提人(Metis,源於壹個法語單詞,即混合的意思,此指歐洲人與當地原住民婦女的混血後裔),爆發了加拿大歷史上有名的反抗英殖民統治的鬥爭,即紅河起義。《紅河谷》歌詞的最先版本就是描述了參加鬥爭的勇士們離開美麗富饒的家鄉時,妻子或女友與其惜別時的感傷心情。“不要離別得這樣匆忙,要記住紅河谷妳的故鄉,還有那熱愛妳的姑娘。”盡管這首歌的起源是悲傷的,有著現實的痛苦和反抗,但流傳至今,人們似已忘卻了它的歷史,而只記住了這首歌本身。這首歌能使人們深深沈浸在對故鄉的思念和對美好愛情追求的意境之中。這或許就是《紅河谷》傳唱至今而不衰的原因吧!




Red River Valley Michael Martin Murphey Click here please!!


red river valley mitch miller

e and sit by my side if you love me

do not hasten to bid me adieu

but remember the red river valley

and the cowboy who loved you so true

from this valley they say you are going

we will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile

for they say you are taking the sunshine

that has brightened our path for a while

come and sit by my side if you love me

do not hasten to bid me adieu

but remember the red river valley

and the cowboy who loved you so true