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Risk Management , Acturial Science and quantitative Finance

From Ac

RMS to QFN They have many things that are similar especially during the first year (or even second year) All three subjects can be regraded as using mathematical and statistical method to solve problem in business and finance(mainly finance actually) First

discuss about Actuarial Science. Both HKU

CUHK have this subject

the major difference is that HKU have it in the Statistics and AS department

and CUHK have it in the Business Fac (Finance Department) as IFA (insurance

finance and actuarial *** ysis) Actually

both have a similar syl. Both need a high admission grade to get in

and CU count more CE

HKU more AL. Some people also pare the internship and the relationshop with the industry

but since I do not know much about this

I canot say much. Only thing can be said is that

HKU Ac have more ppl than CU IFA

though many are from EAS and mainland. Actuarial Science mainly concern with using of mathematical and statistical(more) to solve problem in the insurance file

may be like perium and reserve putation

managment of the liability and asset

financial risk like interest rate. Second about Risk Management Science. In HKU

appear as one of the major of 6901

without quote. CUHK as an individaul program

around 20 ppl each year. Again

the syl doesn't differ much

but CUHK have the RMS code course.....though in HKU also have STAT X8XX. Risk Management Science mainly consist of the study of mathematical and statistical to deal with the risk of finanical institution like banks

funds and e Mainly issue like capaticla reserve for bank

credit risk and market risk management by mathematical method and e Third about Quantitative Finance. Only CUHK

UST have this program. CUHK about 50 EAS last year

27 JUPAS; UST around enty-something.... Again the syl is similar. QFN is mainly about use of mathematical and statistical model to solve problem in derivative pricing

portfolio managment

when many financial institution need these technique. 2008-05-25 20:49:30 補充: Comparing the syl. beeen the programs

I suggest you better go to the websites of these University for details

PLEASE DO NOT BE SO LAZY. IF you are not able to do such simple

university is not for you. So I will here rather talk about this issue briefly. 2008-05-25 20:52:31 補充: Both Ac



need student to have rigor math and sta technique

and need basic knowledge about account

economics and finance to understand the probelm arise; in addition

since in practise lots of putation is needed

programming in C/C++ is also needed. 2008-05-25 20:52:41 補充: Most likely all these is in year 1 as core course. Of course

course like investment *** ysis

derivatives pricing


stochastic modeling are also a must and will be in 2nd year

but some may be core and others as elective. 2008-05-25 20:53:17 補充: For Ac

need Actuarial Mathematics

loss model

survival and e For RMS

need derivative pricing

modern financial theory

may be putation method and e For QFN

need ....actually to RMS

but RMS concern more on statistical simulation

risk *** ysis and quantitative *** ysis

2008-05-25 20:53:40 補充: QFN will focus more on pricing and portfolio management by quant method. Actually for ug

these difference(i mean beeen Q&R) is not significant

since it is too difficult for an oridinary undergrad to handle all these; only senior ug and pg will consider these problems. 2008-05-25 20:53:49 補充: The mainly problem should be of concern are the difficulties of enteing the program

the career/internship chance of the department

the future career path/research propects

the teaching quatatily

the acadmically enviornment of the department; and of course

the syllbus of the program. 2008-05-25 20:54:02 補充: CUHK

UST QFN not differ by much

in both entry difficulties and syl. HKU 6901 is much easier than CUHK RMS

but most ppl consider CUHK RMS as much better than HKU one

in both career/research and syllbus. 2008-05-25 20:56:50 補充: CUHK IFA was heard that having better industry relationship than HKU Ac

but HKU Ac seems have more coverage on the SOA examination. 作死佢


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