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我的世界0.10.0更新了什麽 手機版0.10.0更新內容

minecraftpe WIKI是這麽說的:




Day/night cycle in creative.

Sounds for running water

Adaptation for 64-bit hardware/software, making the game faster for 64-bit users.

Support for the resolutions of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.


Fences?and?fence gates: Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, Dark Oak.



Version exclusive:?Mineshafts?now spawn at the surface in?mesas.

Version exclusive:?Gold ore?can generate at any level in mesa biomes.

Version exclusive: Huge mushrooms now spawn in swamps.


Walking animations are generally faster and have been tweaked per-animal

Hostile mobs spawn in groups

Slimes now have bouncing animations.

Baby animals can swim without drowning



Tinted lighting from PC.

Mipmaps on Android devices using OpenGL ES 3.0.

Version exclusive: Added dust particles for falling?gravel?and?sand.

Rounded, PC colored fog.

Lighter and smoother water texture.

The?Sun?is now slightly larger.

The clouds and the terrain are now tinted blue during night

Version exclusive: Smooth lighting on?water.

Version exclusive: New swamp water color.

Version exclusive: The clouds and the terrain are now tinted red during sunset

Converted to using OpenGL ES 2.0:

Made the chat smaller[2]

Interact button is now transparent

Optimized chunk rendering.

Improved Performance.

The time of day is now more accurately synced in multiplayer.?

Added a selection overlay on chests and signs.

"Cancel" button will show up if joining a multiplayer world/server takes too long.

The outline of chat messages ends where the message ends, and does not cover the whole screen.



Brightness toggle


Game freezes when an alert or different UI is opened (iOS)[3]

Fixed a crash when rendering?monster spawners.

Fixed a crash/memory leak happening when showing the system keyboard - signs and chat. (iOS)

Fxed a corruption and possible crash when switching apps. (Android)

Fixed the "spawning in the air" bug.

Fixed a crash when creating lava during world generation.

Fixed a white artifact on torches held in hand.

Fixed holes appearing in the clouds.

Fixed a brown artifact appearing on the bottom of?minecarts.

Fixed a random crash in multiplayer.

Fixed a possible crash when selecting double?chests.

Fixed water not pushing things.

Fixed incorrect damage for punching

Fixed black artifact on chickens

Fixed incorrect speed for cows
