当前位置 - 股票行情交易網 - 文娛動態 - 電子郵件或信件常用的英文縮寫


RSVP = please reply 請回復

eg. The conference meeting is set, rsvp by tonight.


註 : rsvp最初用於主人對賓客發出邀約,希望妳能夠禮貌性地回復是否參加。這個詞的原意是來自法國的répondez s'il vous pla?t,也就是請妳回復(please reply)的意思哦!

TBH: to be honest 老實說

ASAP? (as soon as possible盡快)

BID (break it down細分明細)

BTW? (by the way順帶壹提)

COB (close of business下班時)

EOB (end of business下班時)

EOD (end of day今天以內)

DOE (depending on experience視工作經驗而定)

ETA (estimated time of arrival預計到達時間)

FAQ (frequently asked questions常問的問題)

FTE (full-time employee全職員工)

正如知友所說,FTE也是Full-time equivalents(全職人力工時)的縮寫,HR比較常用~

FWIW (for what it's worth無論如何、不管有沒有用)

FYI? (for your information 供妳參考,請知悉)

當然FYI也是For your improvement(自我提升)的縮寫

FYR (for your reference供妳參考)

FYU (for your use供妳使用)

IAM (in a meeting會議中)

IMO (in my opinion個人淺見、在我看來)

LET (leaving early today今天提早走)

LMK (let me know讓我知道、通知我)

MoM (month over month月度比較)

MTD (month to date月初到現在)

YTD (year to date年底、今年之內)

PTO? = Paid Time Off 帶薪休假

OOO? (out of office不在辦公室)

OT (over time加班)

OTP (on the phone通話中)

PA (performance appraisal績效考核)

POC (point of contact首要聯系人)

PTE (part-time employee兼職雇員)

LOB = line of business 產品/業務線

LMAO: laugh my ass off 笑到不行、超爆笑

相同意思的還有LOL (laugh out loud)

NDA (Non-disclosure agreement保密合約)

NRN (no reply necessary不需回復)

NSFW (not safe for work不適合工作場域)

RFD (request for discussion請求討論)

TBA (to be announced待公布)

TBD? (to be determined待決定)

TCC (teleconference call電話會議)

TED (Tell me, explain to me, describe to me)

TLDR (Too long didn't read太長,沒讀)

TOS (terms of service服務條款)

TYT (take your time別著急、慢慢來)

WFH (work from home在家辦公)

WIIFM (what's in it for me這對我有什麽好處?)

WOM (word of mouth口碑傳播)

TTYL : talk to you later 晚點聊

IDK : I don't know 我不知道

AKA : as known as 也就是、以…為人所知

TMR: tomorrow 明天

PPL: people 人們、大家

AFK: away from keyboard 不在;不在位子上

PFA : please find attached. 請參看附件

NEO? = New Employee Orientation 新員工入職培訓

JTP = Job Training plan 工作培訓計劃

MBO? = Management by Objectives 目標管理

BKM? = Best Known Method 已知最佳方法

SME? = Subject Matter Expert,主題專家.

當然Small and medium enterprise(中小型企業)也可縮寫為SME.

PTR = Process Trouble Report 程序問題報告

EB = Employee Bonus 員工獎金

ECBP = Employee cash bonus plan 員工現金獎

RFC = Response Flow Chart 反應流程單

REC = Recordable case 記錄在案

DAC = Day Away case 工傷缺勤

KPI? = Key Performance Indicators 關鍵績效指標

OKR? = Objectives and Key Results 目標與關鍵成果法

B/L = 提單(bill of lading)

INV = Invoice 賬單,發貨單,收款請求

f/inv = freight invoice 運費發票

c/inv = commercial invoice 商業發票

P/I = Porforma Invoice 形式發票

s/r = selling rate 賣出匯率

PO = purchase order 采購訂單

adv = advise 為~提供咨詢

p/list = packing list 裝箱單

shpg = shipping 海運

shpt = shipment 裝載

PKG = Packing List 裝箱單

rcpt = receipt 收據, 發票

cmmt = comment

cfm = confirm

doc = document

ref = reference

ck = check

### 職稱和部門

CDO (chief data officer首席數據官)

CEO (chief executive officer首席執行官)

CFO (chief financial officer首席財務官)

CIO (chief information officer首席資訊官)

CMO (chief marketing officer首席市場官)

COO (chief operating officer首席運營官)

CPA (certified public accountant註冊會計師)

CSO (chief security officer首席安全官)

CSR (corporate social responsibility企業社會責任)

CTO (chief technology officer首席技術官)

CFP (certified financial planner註冊金融理財師)

GC (general counsel 首席法律顧問)

HR (human resources人力資源)

PM (project manager項目經理)

PR (public relations公***關系)

R&D (research and development研發)