美國鬥牛犬(American bulldog),原產地美國。美國鬥牛犬是英國古代鬥牛犬的後裔,17世紀被引進到美洲大陸。歷史上,美國鬥牛犬被培育成“農家實用狗”,用於農業工作中實用。它的性格充滿了野性,十分粗魯。他們擁有難以想象的掠食性和好鬥性。初期被用於打獵,鬥牛,很多年以前也有少數被用於非法的鬥狗比賽。
第二次世界大戰後,美國鬥牛犬數量急劇減少,面臨絕種的的危險。二戰退伍老兵,傑森.D.約翰遜先生經過不斷的育種和賽選,培育出現代粗獷護衛型美國鬥牛犬(Bully type)的基礎。與此同時,壹位叫艾倫.斯科特的年輕人,在約翰遜先生育種的壹些基礎上加入了更多善於打獵的老血系美國鬥牛犬的血液。從而培育出標準型美國鬥牛犬(Standard type)的基礎。粗獷護衛型美國鬥牛犬和標準型美國鬥牛犬是兩個截然不同的類型。
這個品種的繁殖宗旨,就是簡單的Bully! Bully!!! 是以追求更強的視覺沖擊力和更大的肌肉塊為根本的,其次才是肩高體重等各種數據。無論繁殖者還是飼養者,都應當在“KEEP IT BULLY”的前提下,去追求各自或是肩高,或是體重上的偏好,而絕對不能本末倒置。
所謂欲速則不達, 所有生命的發展都應當遵守自然的規律。循序漸進,給您的愛犬壹個學習,適應,發展的時間和空間。它會以完美的體態和穩定的性格來回報您對它的付出。
The neck should be very muscular, arched, tapered from the shoulder to the head, and medium in length. The withers should be high and well pronounced and lead into a broad and moderately short back with an athletic roach. The body should be moderately wide, solid, standing fore-square, fairly compact, well balanced, slightly longer than tall (rectangular, but almost square), and have a well sprung rib cage. The body is slightly deeper than the foreleg is long, and the brisket is slightly lower than the level of the elbow. Not enough that the forearm curves around the rib cage, but sufficient enough that a more solid stance is produced. There should be a noticeable tuck present to allow the body to bend at a fuller extent. The coat should be short, smooth, and any color except for solid black (without white), or merle.
The head should be large and broad in regards to the size of the dog. It should be flat on top, have a squared appearance, with a deep and well defined stop. The head is tight, muscular, with prominent cheeks, and free of excessive: wrinkles on the cheek and muzzle, skin at the neck, and pendolous flews. The muzzle should be: broad, box shaped, wide at the base with a very slight taper to the nose, have wide open nostrils, be 2-3 inches in length, and have a strong under jaw. The dog should have full pigment around eyelids, covering the nose, and lips. The teeth should be medium to large, not visible when the mouth is closed, and an undershot of 1/4 to 1/2 inches is preferred. The eyes should be wide set, and almond to round shaped. The ears should be set high on the head, medium in size, and either forward flap or rose.
The front assembly should have forechest, and the shoulder blade and upper arms should not be too steep or upright. It should be moderately wide and the elbows should neither be angled out or pulled in. The position of the wrists should not be closer than the elbows when standing. The front legs should be strong and straight, with moderate to heavy bone that is proportionate to the body. The pasterns should have a slight slope and not be too vertical or steep in nature. The feet should be round, tight, well arched, medium in size, and pointing straight ahead.
The rear should be broad, well muscled, not quite as wide as the front, with moderate angulation at the stifle and hock. The hocks should be straight, and perfectly perpendicular to the ground. The feet should be round, tight, well arched, medium in size, and pointing straight ahead. The tail set should be low, but carried high. Strong at the root and taper till it ends at the level of the hocks. The buttocks should have a shelf below the tail.