Dirty Harry ------- (2007)
Superman Ⅱ ------- (2006)
Premio Donostia a Matt Dillon ------- (2006)
Hoosier History: The Truth Behind the Legend ------- (2005)
The Making of 'Runaway Jury' ------- (2004)
It Happened That Way ------- (2004)
Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust ------- (2004)
總統接招 Welcome to Mooseport ------- (2004)
失控陪審團 Runaway Jury ------- (2003)
The 60th Annual Golden Globe Awards ------- (2003)
All on Accounta Pullin' a Trigger ------- (2002)
光影流情 The Kid Stays in the Picture ------- (2002)
De Superman à Spider-Man: L'aventure des super-héros ------- (2002)
Colors of Courage: Sons of New Mexico,Prisoners of Japan ------- (2002)
Headliners & Legends: Denzel Washington ------- (2002)
墨西哥人 The Mexican ------- (2001)
偷心俏佳人 Heartbreakers ------- (2001)
Making 'Superman': Filming the Legend ------- (2001)
Making the Connection: Untold Stories of 'The French Connection' ------- (2001)
特倫鮑姆壹家 The Royal Tenenbaums ------- (2001)
Taking Flight: The Development of 'Superman' ------- (2001)
深入敵後 Behind Enemy Lines ------- (2001)
最後大買賣 Heist ------- (2001)
Heroes of Iwo Jima ------- (2001)
Twentieth Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years ------- (2000)
The Poughkeepsie Shuffle: Tracing 'The French Connection' ------- (2000)
American Masters Clint Eastwood: Out of the Shadows ------- (2000)
疑雲密布/嫌疑犯/驚爆2001/懸疑對戰/ Under Suspicion ------- (2000)
十全大補男/球場英雄 The Replacements ------- (2000)
全民公敵/國家公敵/國家的敵人 Enemy of the State ------- (1998)
American Masters Hitchcock,Selznick and the End of Hollywood ------- (1998)
黎明時分 Twilight ------- (1998)
小蟻雄兵/蟻哥正傳/螞蟻 Antz ------- (1998)
絕對權力 Absolute Power ------- (1997)
非常手段 Extreme Measures ------- (1996)
鳥籠 The Birdcage ------- (1996)
毒氣室 The Chamber ------- (1996)
矮子當道/黑道當家/關人矮事/閑人矮話 Get Shorty ------- (1995)
赤色風暴/紅潮風暴/核艇風暴 Crimson Tide ------- (1995)
鳳舞狂沙/致命快感 The Quick and the Dead ------- (1995)
義海傾情 Wyatt Earp ------- (1994)
第65屆奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮 The 65th Annual Academy Awards ------- (1993)
格羅尼默:壹個美國傳奇故事 Geronimo: An American Legend ------- (1993)
糖衣陷阱/黑色豪門企業/律師事務所 The Firm ------- (1993)
不可饒恕/殺無赦 Unforgiven ------- (1992)
法網雄心 Class Action ------- (1991)
807終極站 Company Business ------- (1991)
放炮神探 Loose Cannons ------- (1990)
驚劫梨花 Narrow Margin ------- (1990)
來自邊緣的明信片/歲月星塵/明信片邊緣 Postcards from the Edge ------- (1990)
驚天大暗殺 The Package ------- (1989)
野狼呼叫21 Bat*21 ------- (1988)
烈血暴潮 Mississippi Burning ------- (1988)
另壹個女人 Another Woman ------- (1988)
Full Moon in Blue Water ------- (1988)
反面無敵 Split Decisions ------- (1988)
走投無路 No Way Out ------- (1987)
超人4 Superman Ⅳ: The Quest for Peace ------- (1987)
火爆教頭草地兵 Hoosiers ------- (1986)
叱咤風雲/上流社會 Power ------- (1986)
男人心 Twice in a Lifetime ------- (1985)
Target ------- (1985)
Eureka ------- (1984)
新愛的世界 Misunderstood ------- (1984)
戰火下 Under Fire ------- (1983)
兩情相悅/天生壹對 Two of a Kind ------- (1983)
長驅直入 Uncommon Valor ------- (1983)
烽火赤焰萬裏情/亂世情天 Reds ------- (1981)
風騷俏佳人 All Night Long ------- (1981)
超人續集 Superman Ⅱ ------- (1980)
超人 Superman ------- (1978)
遙遠的橋/鷹掠戰士 A Bridge Too Far ------- (1977)
The Domino Principle ------- (1977)
前進或死亡 March or Die ------- (1977)
Lucky Lady ------- (1975)
法國販毒網續集 French Connection Ⅱ ------- (1975)
咬緊子彈 Bite the Bullet ------- (1975)
夜行客 Night Moves ------- (1975)
對話/竊聽大陰謀 The Conversation ------- (1974)
新科學怪人/年輕的科學怪人 Young Frankenstein ------- (1974)
沒有更好,只有更壞 Zandy's Bride ------- (1974)
流浪奇男子/稻草人 Scarecrow ------- (1973)
Cisco Pike ------- (1972)
海神號遇險記 The Poseidon Adventure ------- (1972)
雙龍大火拼 Prime Cut ------- (1972)
法國販毒網 The French Connection ------- (1971)
The Hunting Party ------- (1971)
我永不為父親唱歌 I Never Sang for My Father ------- (1970)
Downhill Racer ------- (1969)
藍煙火 Marooned ------- (1969)
Riot ------- (1969)
飛天英雄未了情 The Gypsy Moths ------- (1969)
The Split ------- (1968)
浪子嬌娃 Banning ------- (1967)
雌雄大盜/邦妮和克萊德 Bonnie and Clyde ------- (1967)
夏威夷 Hawaii ------- (1966)
Lilith ------- (1964)