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「宅男」 的英文: 1. 日語直翻的otaku(おたく)可以某種程度代表「宅男」的意思,但是otaku原本的意思是禦宅族,指的是對次文化有無比熱衷興趣的人,大多是漫畫、電玩等。 2. 另壹個說法可以使用nerdy boy,代表有點古怪的人。 3.補充壹下,geek 也能代表宅男的意思。 例如美國有壹個節目就叫「Beauty and the Geek」,節目的進行方式是,找來幾個美女和辣妹,配上找來的書呆子或宅男(通常是害羞從沒交過女友的怪胎)看他們之間的互動。所以「geek」除了可以說是怪胎之外,也能代表宅男的意思呀!

參考: @@****@@

Otaku is 宅男 interms of Japanese way

but u can also call them Nerd

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最接近系呢個: NERD. Nerd is a term

often bearing a derogatory connotation or stereotype

that refers to a person who avidly pursues intellectual activities

technical or scientific endeavours

esoteric knowledge

or other obscure interests that are unusual for one's age

rather than engaging in more social or conventional activities.The nerd may be awkward

shy and unattractive.[1] Therefore

a nerd is often excluded from physical activity and considered a lonerby peers

or will tend to associate with like-minded people. From: Wikipedia.

"Otaku" =refers to people who stay at home all day just putting on their own.宅女=femal Otaku